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Monday, June 25, 2012

Facebook Mobile

Facebook Mobile Has a Mobile Version of the Site and im Going to Tell you how to work it

How to Update A Status on your Phone

to Update your Status on your phone you can Either Text your Status to 32665 or you can update it using the app its the same process as the computer version of the site

Uploading Photos and Videos

Your personal publishing address is an email address you can use to upload photos or videos to your account from your mobile phone. 

Find your personal publishing address:
  1. From your mobile browser, log in on m.facebook.com
  2. Click Photo under the space to type a status update
  3. Underneath "Upload via Email" you'll see a unique email address
Status updates or photos you send to this email address will be published directly onto your Facebook account, so don't share it with anyone else. 

Using your personalized upload email address:
  • To add a caption to your photo or video, include a subject in the email. If you don't include any photos or videos, the email subject will be your updated status
  • Photos and videos uploaded via email are public by default, but you can always change the privacy setting of any photo album

    Can you Play Games on your Mobile Phone 

    No you Can Not As Most Phones do Not Support Flash Player 

    Mobile Text 

    Can i Get Alerts Such as Messages Wall Posts And More Sent to my Phone as A Text Message

    yes you Can First you got to Register your Phone Number on Facebook once its Registered Go to Account Settings and From there you can Choose what you want to Have Sent Back to your phone as a Text Message 

    Like Pages on Mobile

    How To Use Mobile Text Messages to update people who like my page 

    To activate updating via text message:
    1. From the top of your Page, click Edit Page 
    2. Select Update Info
    3. Select Mobile from the left sidebar
    4. Click Sign Up for SMS and follow the steps that appear
    Please note that if your carrier is not listed in the drop-down menu, they are not currently supported for Facebook Mobile Texts. Please contact your mobile operator for more information. 

    You can associate multiple phone numbers for a single Page. However, you can only associate one Page or profile (timeline) to each mobile number. If you associate a mobile number to your Page, that number cannot be associated to your profile (timeline) or another Page. 

    How To Use The App to Update To The People who Liked my Page

    To post to your Page from the Facebook iPhone app:
    1. Tap 
    2. Type your Page's name into the search bar
    3. Tap your Page's name to visit it
    4. Tap Wall
    5. Tap Write Post or Share Photo to post to your Page
    To remove a post from your Page, swipe your finger over it and tap Remove.

    How to Use Facebook Mobile Web to Update People Who Like my Page

    To post to your Page from the mobile web (m.facebook.com):
    1. Tap 
    2. Type your Page's name into the search bar
    3. Tap your Page's name to visit it
    4. Tap Write Post or Share Photo to post to your Page
    To remove a post from your Page, swipe your finger over it and tap Remove.

    Getting the Facebook App
    To Get the Facebook app Check the App Store and See if its Available for your Device they have one For Iphones Blackberrys Droids And Other Devices 

    Checking into Places Near By 

    If location services are available on your mobile device, you can share where you are by adding a location your post or checking in. To check into a location:
    1. From your news feed, tap Check In.
    2. Select the location where you are from the list of nearby places. If you don't see your location, type the name of the place where you are into theSearch Places box.
    3. Write an optional description of what you're doing. You can also tag your friends at your location.
    4. Tap Post to share.

    How To Enable Location Services For Places Near By 

    To enable location services, please try checking in on your phone and tap Allowwhen you see a prompt. 

    If you've already turned your location services setting setting off, you can turn it back on by finding your phone's main settings menu and making sure location services are allowed for the app.

    Tagging Friends at the Location

    You can tag your friends who are with you at any given location as long as you are checked in and they have set their privacy settings so they can be tagged.
    1. After you've selected a location, tap the Who Are You With? icon and choose friends from your friends list. Note that a friend is selected for tagging once there is a checkmark next to their name. If you uncheck your friend’s name, they'll no longer be tagged.
    2. Write an optional description of what you are doing.
    3. Tap Post to share your visit with your friends.