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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Smoking And Drinking

Smoking and Drinking is Very Bad For your Body Smoking Especially

Why People Smoke

People Smoke Because they Think Its Cool They Think it Gets Rid of Stress Out of your Body And More But The Truth is False It Doesint Do That it Just Hurts your Body more

What Effects Does Smoking have On My Body

it Can Increase your Blood Pressure it Causes Smelly Hair Smelley Teeth it Can Kill you as Well

How People Get Addicted to Smoking

in Cigarettes and in Other Drugs There is Nicotine in it Which Gets People Addicted Once you Get addicted to it it is Very Hard to Stop Smoking

How To Quite Smoking

First thing you Can Try is Just to Stop Smoking stay away from drugs and if anybody else asks you to smoke say no there is also medication out there that can help reduce the urge to smoke see your doctor as well youd be amazed at what they can come up with to smoke

How Many People Die From Drugs

2 to 5 million people Die Every Single Year not a good Thing at all

there Was a Kid Who Died From Heorin

Back in 1996 There was a Kid Named Ian who Died From a Heorin overdose He Was a Good Student in High School for the full story visit http://www.couragetospeak.org

Signs That Somebody may be using Drugs

Dropping Grades
Loseing Interest in people
Lieing About things
Getting Away With Bad Behavior
Coming Home Late

Any of those signs could mean that somebody may be using drugs if you or Someone you know experience any of those signs its possible someone may be using drugs

Drinking is Also Bad For your body

Every year People do Drinking and Driving people think o a few drinks wont effect my ability to drive and than they start driving and next thing you know they get into a car crash and they end up killing somebody its a good idea that if your driving to lay off on the drinks or if you do have one only have one dont have to many of them