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Monday, May 16, 2011
Why Spelling is Important Especially Online
Spelling is Very Important I Notice a lot on the Internet on Message Boards and On Other Things i Notice People Spell Things Wrong Some people Do it Because they dont Know its Wrong But Others Do it just for the Sake of Doing it
the Reason Why Spelling is Important its Because If you Spell Things Wrong People will Have a Hard Time understanding you And Thats Not What you Want you Want People to Be Able to Understand What your Writting what your saying just Remember Typing it online and Saying it in person are two Different things
Wrong Way to Spell it
i Heve a verie goid day
Correct Way
I Have A Very Good Day
See The Difference you Mite Notice it mite be easier to understand what im saying
How do i Know if im Spelling things correctly
A lot of Sites Now Have A Spell Checker so When your typing things if it finds something is not spelled correctly a red line under the word will be underlined
Spelling Tends to Pull People Away From Reading What your Saying if They Cant Figure out What your Trying to Say Than There not gonna try to figure it out they dont have time for that
your Friends Mite But Others Will Not
If its One Letter is wrong Than Thats Not Really gonna throw people off to bad as long as you dont do it repeatedly
If it Were Me Reading things and if i see it Misspelt Way off so like i cant even figure out what there saying than im not gonna figure out
Also How Much you Write Can Effect it too
Don't Write too much but don't write too little either the goal is to keep peoples eyes on what your writing as well Break up Information if you have too it will make it easier for people
Check out this Website on Why Spelling is Important
Why Spelling is Important