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Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Moodle is a Online Course Portal you Can Share Assements And More and you Can Take lots of cool courses online and im going to show you how to use it
What is Moodle
Moodle is a Course Management System (CMS), also known as a Learning Management System (LMS) or a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). It is a Free web application that educators can use to create effective online learning sites. is our community site where Moodle is made and discussed. Please use the menus to explore and join in!
On The Home page there is a Catagory list
Click on the course that you want and than it will say enroll me in this course and hit ok if it asks for a password key you have to get that password from the specific teacher that it asks and it should allow you to enroll in the course
How To Take a Test Or Exam Or What Ever it is
On Moodle In that catagory click on the item that you want to take and from there you should be able to take it
can i Save it And Finish it up later
yes you can you Can Finish it until the Deadline
Once i Finish Doing my Assignment And Save it Can i Go back and Redo it later on
No you Can Not Once its Been Submited than its Done So Becareful before you hit submit i would recommend checking your work over
Do Schools Use Moodle
Yes Schools Use Moodle Some Schools have a specific Moodle Site For there moodle site go to there website and it should list on there somewhere where the site is located it will be something like or something similar to that
How Do i Make a Account
you Can Not Make a Account i think only Administrators of the schools can make a account Some the username and password is your computers login information for others is different ask your teacher what the policy is for login
Is There a Calender on there that displays the days and the assignment
yes there is on the side of the page there is a calender that is displayed it should have on the month the listed assignments and when they are due and everything
How Do i Search For a Course
on the Page on the Search box type in your course and than hit enter and it will search the database and see if there is a course available for your moodle account
Can i Change the language into a another language
yes you can click on the language box and select your language and it should translate it into that particular language
How Do i Message Someone Over the Moodle Network
Go to there Profile and Click on Send Message and you should be able to send them a message
Can i add a picture of my self for my profile
yes you can go to edit profile and from there you should be able to add a picture of your self
Does Everybody See your Scores
NO only Site administrators Can See your scores for Assignments and Tests and Quizes ETC there the only ones who will ever see it