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Friday, May 27, 2011
How To Get Rid of Zits and Pimples
We All Have Seen it Im Sure At One Point or Another or If you haveint yet you Probaly will Advently See a Zit on your Self And you probaly will Wonder How To Get Rid of it and im Going to Tell you about Zits And Pimples
How Do Zits And Pimples Come up
These are all small skin infections within a skin pore. The short answer is that the more stress your body is under, the weaker your immune system. Clogged pores don't necessarily result in an infection. Oily skin is more likely to provide a breeding ground for the sorts of bacteria that would cause these infections, so it is important to clean the skin and keep it relatively dry.
Diet and environment are really the key, though. Has anyone noticed that when looking at old pictures, its almost impossible to find people with acne? That's because they weren't consuming soda, fast food, and breathing car exhaust and industrial pollutants all day.
On another tip, have you ever seen a bald bum? Probably not, because they don't use shampoo all the time, which strips your scalp of its natural oils. Just a note to remind you that oily skin does have benefits (including the prevention of wrinkles). booya.
They Also Come up When you Dont Wash your Face Correctly Always Make Sure you Wash your Face Correctly
Now How To Get Rid of a Pimple Or A Zit
Visit your Drug Store Walgreens or CVS or Any Drug Store and They will Sell Products that will Get rid of it there is a whole bunch of ones that will work Such As Zeno Hot Spot And Proactive are the top two that i recommend but look around and get a few different ones and put it over the zit or pimple and it should go away soon
How Long Does it Take Once Under Treatment
It Depends on What Product you use some Take 24 hours some take less than 24 hours to take effect some take a week look on the Label of the product and it should tell you How long It Takes To Go Away
if you guys Know of other ways to get rid of it feel free to share on this blog