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Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Residents Evil
Residents Evil is a Name Of a Game and I will Show you Some Hints for the Game
Popping Zombies Heads
The easiest method to decapitate a zombie is, when you are equipped with the Shtogun or Assault Shotgun, let them get close to you, aim up and fire. Instant decapitation.
There is another method that works for both the Shotgun/Assault Shotgun and the Handgun. Press the auto-aim button (L if you're playing the Gamecube version, Z if you're playing the Wii version) and fire at an approaching zombie normally. You have about a 1/6 chance to decapitate the zombie with the Shotgun/Assault Shotgun and about a 1/10 with the Handgun. This tactic should only be used with the Shotgun/Assault Shotgun if you are fending off multiple zombies and can't risk letting the whole lot of them get too close for the usual method. This is highly useful with the Handgun, though.
Note that decapitated zombies will not return as crimson heads.
Herbs All Possible Combinations and there Effects
There are three types of healing herb found in the game - Green, Red and Blue. The below chart will list the the possible combinations and effects of each:
Green - Restores 25 percent of health
Green + Green - Restores 50 percent of health
Green + Green + Green - Fully restores health
Red - No effect alone
Green + Red - Fully restores health
Blue - Cures poison
Green + Blue - Restores 25 percent of health and cures poison
Green + Green + Blue - Restores 50 percent of health and cures poison
Green + Red + Blue - Fully restores health and cures poison
Note - No more than three herbs can be combined together. Therefore, it is not possible to combine three Green herbs and a Blue herb. Also, Blue herbs cannot combine with Red alone.
Note 2 - First Aid Sprays, the only other healing item found in the game, fully restores health.
Grenade Glitch
Everybody says that you need to do a step by step procedure to get a butt load of grenade rounds. But the grenade glitch isn't a cheat that Capcom made. It's an actual glitch in the game!So if the glitch doesn't work for you just try it again and fiddle with it and press 'A' like crazy. I don't know if I have a PAT version of the game but it works for me.
*NOTE: you need at least two different kinds of grenade rounds
1) put all items in item box
2) put grenade launcher in upper left slot (first)
3) put grenade rounds (grenade, incendairy, or acid) in upper right slot (second)
4) exit item box
5) go to inventory
6) equip grenade launcher
7) exit inventory
8) open item box
9) scroll to other grenades (in item box)
10) click on them then scroll to the other grenades in your inventory and press 'A' 2 times
And you should have 240 grenades. It mite not say until you exit the item box and open your inventory.
Avoid Crimsons Head Easier
With Jill's Grenade Launcher, fire Flame Rounds at zombies to burn their bodies without a lighter and fuel.
Easy Hunter Kills
Hunters are those lizard things in the second half of the game. This only works for Jill. When you get the Grenade Launcher, equip Acid Rounds and fire them at the Hunters. It will kill them in 1 or two hits.
Keep Daggers After use
If you have the shot gun or the assult shot gun you can somtimes get your daggers back after they have been used. All you need to do is shoot the zombie in the head with one of those two guns. The best way to do this is by waiting for the zombie to get real close and then at the last second aim up and fire. Youll most likely blow his head off and the dagger will be laying next to his body.
All Weapend Locations
Survival Knife: Available from start. Can also be found in Black Widow's cave in Mining Tunnels
Handgun: Available from start
Shotgun: Found in room on 1F north-east corridor. Broken Shotgun is not required
Grenade Launcher: Found near Forest's body on 2F south-east balcony. Loaded with Grenade Shells
Acid Shells: Obtained from Barry during cut-scene in entrance hall
Incendiary Shells: Left in Mans.E.Stairs save room by Barry
Assault Shotgun: Dropped by Richard during first Yawn fight
Magnum Revolver: Found in graveyard in courtyard, en route to the Cabin. Wind Crest required
Self-Defense Gun: Found in Residence room 001
Barry's Magnum: Obtained if Lisa Trevor kills Barry at the Altar
Rocket Launcher: Thrown from helicopter by Brad during final Tyrant fight. Can also be unlocked by compkleting game in under 3 hours
Samurai Edge: Unlocked by completing game in under 5 hours
Infinite Health
Ok, first when you are fighting yawn (the snake) let him kill you about 4 or 6 times and when you fight lisa let her hit albert (this happens when you're chris)dow there then kill her the you will die somehow and when you get hit voila!!
There you go!!!!
To get the Rocket Launcher complete the game in under 3 hours in normal or hard difficulty mode.