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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Residents Evil

Residents Evil is a Name Of a Game and I will Show you Some Hints for the Game

Popping Zombies Heads

The easiest method to decapitate a zombie is, when you are equipped with the Shtogun or Assault Shotgun, let them get close to you, aim up and fire. Instant decapitation.

There is another method that works for both the Shotgun/Assault Shotgun and the Handgun. Press the auto-aim button (L if you're playing the Gamecube version, Z if you're playing the Wii version) and fire at an approaching zombie normally. You have about a 1/6 chance to decapitate the zombie with the Shotgun/Assault Shotgun and about a 1/10 with the Handgun. This tactic should only be used with the Shotgun/Assault Shotgun if you are fending off multiple zombies and can't risk letting the whole lot of them get too close for the usual method. This is highly useful with the Handgun, though.

Note that decapitated zombies will not return as crimson heads.

Herbs All Possible Combinations and there Effects

There are three types of healing herb found in the game - Green, Red and Blue. The below chart will list the the possible combinations and effects of each:

Green - Restores 25 percent of health
Green + Green - Restores 50 percent of health
Green + Green + Green - Fully restores health
Red - No effect alone
Green + Red - Fully restores health
Blue - Cures poison
Green + Blue - Restores 25 percent of health and cures poison
Green + Green + Blue - Restores 50 percent of health and cures poison
Green + Red + Blue - Fully restores health and cures poison

Note - No more than three herbs can be combined together. Therefore, it is not possible to combine three Green herbs and a Blue herb. Also, Blue herbs cannot combine with Red alone.

Note 2 - First Aid Sprays, the only other healing item found in the game, fully restores health.

Grenade Glitch

Everybody says that you need to do a step by step procedure to get a butt load of grenade rounds. But the grenade glitch isn't a cheat that Capcom made. It's an actual glitch in the game!So if the glitch doesn't work for you just try it again and fiddle with it and press 'A' like crazy. I don't know if I have a PAT version of the game but it works for me.
*NOTE: you need at least two different kinds of grenade rounds
1) put all items in item box
2) put grenade launcher in upper left slot (first)
3) put grenade rounds (grenade, incendairy, or acid) in upper right slot (second)
4) exit item box
5) go to inventory
6) equip grenade launcher
7) exit inventory
8) open item box
9) scroll to other grenades (in item box)
10) click on them then scroll to the other grenades in your inventory and press 'A' 2 times
And you should have 240 grenades. It mite not say until you exit the item box and open your inventory.

Avoid Crimsons Head Easier

With Jill's Grenade Launcher, fire Flame Rounds at zombies to burn their bodies without a lighter and fuel.

Easy Hunter Kills

Hunters are those lizard things in the second half of the game. This only works for Jill. When you get the Grenade Launcher, equip Acid Rounds and fire them at the Hunters. It will kill them in 1 or two hits.

Keep Daggers After use

If you have the shot gun or the assult shot gun you can somtimes get your daggers back after they have been used. All you need to do is shoot the zombie in the head with one of those two guns. The best way to do this is by waiting for the zombie to get real close and then at the last second aim up and fire. Youll most likely blow his head off and the dagger will be laying next to his body.

All Weapend Locations

Survival Knife: Available from start. Can also be found in Black Widow's cave in Mining Tunnels
Handgun: Available from start
Shotgun: Found in room on 1F north-east corridor. Broken Shotgun is not required
Grenade Launcher: Found near Forest's body on 2F south-east balcony. Loaded with Grenade Shells
Acid Shells: Obtained from Barry during cut-scene in entrance hall
Incendiary Shells: Left in Mans.E.Stairs save room by Barry
Assault Shotgun: Dropped by Richard during first Yawn fight
Magnum Revolver: Found in graveyard in courtyard, en route to the Cabin. Wind Crest required
Self-Defense Gun: Found in Residence room 001
Barry's Magnum: Obtained if Lisa Trevor kills Barry at the Altar
Rocket Launcher: Thrown from helicopter by Brad during final Tyrant fight. Can also be unlocked by compkleting game in under 3 hours
Samurai Edge: Unlocked by completing game in under 5 hours

Infinite Health

Ok, first when you are fighting yawn (the snake) let him kill you about 4 or 6 times and when you fight lisa let her hit albert (this happens when you're chris)dow there then kill her the you will die somehow and when you get hit voila!!

There you go!!!!


To get the Rocket Launcher complete the game in under 3 hours in normal or hard difficulty mode.


Careers Trying to Figure Out What you Wanna Do With your Life That is Very important Especially because in the Long Run it Will impact what you have to do and everything

Find out about What you Wanna Do In your Life Time

Before you can Start your Career you need to Find out what that particular career is

Research on it

Researching it is Very Important you May Need Education or other Special Training in order to Get to that Career

Once you Have Found your Career

Find a College That Supports What your looking for and Than Go Out and study it

Dont Rush

Dont Rush it You have Plenty of Time to Figure it Dont be Surprised if it Changes Later on and that is ok To Change

Do What you Want to do Dont Do What somebody else wants to do

Whats the use of a career if your not going to have a fun job that you want to do

once you Have finished School

Find A Company That is looking to hire you for that career and than try and get in

If you Need Help Researching the career here is a good Site to Research it

good luck

A Career Researching Website


Moodle is a Online Course Portal you Can Share Assements And More and you Can Take lots of cool courses online and im going to show you how to use it

What is Moodle

Moodle is a Course Management System (CMS), also known as a Learning Management System (LMS) or a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). It is a Free web application that educators can use to create effective online learning sites.

Moodle.org is our community site where Moodle is made and discussed. Please use the menus to explore and join in!

On The Home page there is a Catagory list

Click on the course that you want and than it will say enroll me in this course and hit ok if it asks for a password key you have to get that password from the specific teacher that it asks and it should allow you to enroll in the course

How To Take a Test Or Exam Or What Ever it is

On Moodle In that catagory click on the item that you want to take and from there you should be able to take it

can i Save it And Finish it up later

yes you can you Can Finish it until the Deadline

Once i Finish Doing my Assignment And Save it Can i Go back and Redo it later on

No you Can Not Once its Been Submited than its Done So Becareful before you hit submit i would recommend checking your work over

Do Schools Use Moodle

Yes Schools Use Moodle Some Schools have a specific Moodle Site For there moodle site go to there website and it should list on there somewhere where the site is located it will be something like moodl.npsteachers.org or something similar to that

How Do i Make a Account

you Can Not Make a Account i think only Administrators of the schools can make a account Some the username and password is your computers login information for others is different ask your teacher what the policy is for login

Is There a Calender on there that displays the days and the assignment

yes there is on the side of the page there is a calender that is displayed it should have on the month the listed assignments and when they are due and everything

How Do i Search For a Course

on the Page on the Search box type in your course and than hit enter and it will search the database and see if there is a course available for your moodle account

Can i Change the language into a another language

yes you can click on the language box and select your language and it should translate it into that particular language

How Do i Message Someone Over the Moodle Network

Go to there Profile and Click on Send Message and you should be able to send them a message

Can i add a picture of my self for my profile

yes you can go to edit profile and from there you should be able to add a picture of your self

Does Everybody See your Scores

NO only Site administrators Can See your scores for Assignments and Tests and Quizes ETC there the only ones who will ever see it

Windows Movie Maker

Windows Movie Maker is a Cool Movie Making Program

If i Haveint Recorded it already can i Record Video in the Program

yes you can Click on Capture From Device and you should be able to Record it

How to Import Videos already on your computer

Click on Import Video and than select your video files than once it loads drag it onto the Time line

How Do I Import Pictures

Click on Import Pictures Select the Pictures From your Hard Drive and than insert it into the time line

Can i Add Audio or music Into the Video Using Movie Maker

yes you can Click on Audio Or Music and Select it From your Hard Drive

Once im Done How Do i Edit the Video

Go to Edit Video and From There Click on one of the options that you want to do with your video

Can i Do Effects to my Video

yes you can go to Edit video than Select Video Effects than From there There are tons of effects to choose from play around with it and decide which one is the best for your video than insert it into the video timeline and your good

Can i Add Titles or Credits to the video

yes you can under edit video click on Make Titles and Credits

Than When your Done with your video

Select one of the options

Save to my computer
Save to CD
Send to Email
Send to the Internet
Send to DV Camera

Movie Making tips

Capturing video

You can capture video and audio to your computer by using Windows Movie Maker. To begin capturing, a video capture device must be connected properly and detected on your computer by Windows Movie Maker. Some audio and video capture devices and sources that you can use include a digital video (DV) or analog camera or VCR, a Web camera, a TV tuner card, or a microphone. You can capture content live or from video tape.

When capturing video and audio in Windows Movie Maker, the Video Capture Wizard proceeds as follows:

Select the capture devices you want to use. For more information about choosing capture devices, see Choosing a video and audio capture device.
Specify where you want your captured audio and video file to be saved. For more information about choosing a destination for your captured audio and video file, see Choosing a saving destination.
Choose the video setting. For more information about choosing a video setting for capturing video and audio, see Choosing a video setting.
If you are capturing audio and video from a video tape in a DV camera or DV VCR, choose the method you want to use to capture video and audio. For more information, see Choosing how to capture from a DV device.
Capture the video and audio. For more information, see Capturing video and audio.

If you have a DV camera connected to an IEEE 1394 port, the camera must be turned on for it to be detected by Windows Movie Maker.

Editing Clips

You have several options for editing clips:

Splitting a clip. You can split a video clip into two clips. This is useful if you want to insert either a picture or a video transition in the middle of a clip. You can split a clip that appears on the storyboard/timeline of a current project, or you can split the clip in the Contents pane.
Combining clips. You can combine two or more contiguous video clips. Contiguous means the clips were captured together so that the end time of one clip is the same as the start time of the next clip. Combining clips is useful if you have several short clips and you want to view them as one clip on the storyboard/timeline. Similar to splitting a clip, you can combine contiguous clips in the Contents pane or on the storyboard/timeline.
Trimming a clip. You can hide parts of a clip you do not want in your project. For example, you can trim the beginning or end of a clip. Trimming does not remove the information from the source material; you can clear the trim points to return the clip to its original length at any time. Clips can only be trimmed after they have been added to the storyboard/timeline. You cannot trim clips in the Contents pane.
Drag the trim handles, which are shown in the following illustration, to trim the unwanted portions of the clip.

Creating clips. You also create clips from video clips after they have been imported or captured in Windows Movie Maker. This lets you create clips at any time when working in Windows Movie Maker. By separating video clips into smaller clips, you can easily find a particular part of your captured or imported video to use in your movie.

Add Video transition effects and Titles

You can enhance your movies by adding different elements to your movie, such as the following:

Video transitions. A video transition controls how your movie plays from one video clip or picture to the next. You can add a transition between two pictures, video clips, or titles, in any combination, on the storyboard/timeline. The transition plays before the one clip ends and while the other clip starts to play. Windows Movie Maker contains various transitions you can add to your project. Transitions are stored in the Video Transitions folder in the Collections pane.
Video effects. A video effect determines how a video clip, picture, or title displays in your project and final movie. Video effects let you add special effects to your movie. A video effect is applied for the entire duration that the video clip, picture, or title displays in your movie. You can add any of the video effects that appear in the Video Effects folder in the Collections pane.
Titles and credits. Titles and credits let you enhance your movie by adding text-based information to your movie. You can add whatever text you want, but you may want to include information such as the title of your movie, your name, the date, and so forth. You can change the appearance of the title or credit, in addition to changing the title animation, which determines how your title or credit displays in your movie.

Save it and Share it With your Friends and Most of all have fun

Dream Weaver

Dream Weaver is a Program That Allows you To Make Websites and Web Pages With the HTML Skills that you have already learned in dream weaver its not Really Needed because It Codes For you Isint that Neat

Now When you First Open the Program it will ask for your site information if you have a site already plug in the url in and than after that than its gonna ask for you to identify the folder of where your site is gonna be with dream weaver you have to create a folder for your website however if you dont have a site yet and if you just want to make the design without publishing it on the internet than do not plug in the url and when it asks you if you want to display it over the internet hit no

When you Open the Page it will Display three options there is code which will display the codeing you can Choose the Split option which shows the window and as well as the Codeing or you can Just Choose the Design and Not Show any of the codeing already

Now Some of you may be Asking how do you add stuff without HTML Codes well in Dream Weaver on the top there is a menu called insert click on that and than HTML and than Click on the one that you want and than it will display on the window for you what you want

When you Insert Each Item on the Page on the bottom there will be a Properties Area on the bottom Each code has properties of which you can change it around a little bit as you go along

How do i Insert Images in Dream Weaver

Get the Picture And Than Save it in the same Exact Folder as your site and than go to insert and than choose image and than select that image and than it will display on the screen

How Do i Change the Size of the picture

On the bottom under proeprties you can change the size note it is in pixels not percentages

What is a Index Page

A Index Page is the First Page that you use when you Create your Website

How do i Start my 2nd page

to start your new Page open up a 2nd document make sure you put it in the same area

Why Do Some Codes Do Not Display in Dream Weaver as i tell it to

this May Seem Kinda Funny but it does not display in the program however when you view it on the internet it will show

How Do i View my Site on the Internet

click on the Picture of the globe and select display in IE

Why Do I have to Save it again

because you are saving it in HTML format Save it as what ever name you want you Wont Need to plug in the HTML format because it will recognize it for you same thing with the folder or it should

How Do i view my Sites Files

on the Side of the Program All of your Files will appear to go to each one click on it and it will all show thats why its important to keep it all in the same folder

how Do I move Text To the Center or to the left

highlight the text and than just like in Word There is buttons center left or right click on any one of those and it will bring it there

How Do I make Text Bold or Italic

Click on the B for Bod or I for Italic

Why is There only a Few Fonts to Chose from

Because the Internet Does Not Support all Fonts

How do I View the Propertys Page

on the bottom click on Properties and it should take you there

What is CSS

you Should Know this Already but CSS Is a Type of HTML Code that Deals with background click on CSS and you can Modify your background stuff

Why Should you Know HTML If Dream Weaver Does it For you

it Does the Codes for you however there will be Times where your Site Is Not Working and to Fix it you have to go into the code your self and fix it and if you dont know HTML it can be Very Complicated and Irrating to Fix

What Menus Should i Learn About

File,Edit,View,Insert,Modify,Text,Commands,Site,Window and Help

Play Around with The Program and Have Fun With it

How To Block Websites

A Lot of People Want to Know How to Block Websites This May Be Important Because you Mite Want to Take control over your network especially if your at work and you dont want other people to fool around

On A lot of Places They have a Block System Set up so that if you Go to a Website they will be Greated With a Big Old Stop Sign

Please Note Even With The Blocks It is Possible For them to unblock it using Proxys and the https method which is very Hard To Block

one Way to Do it this Would be the Easiest Way Would be to Go into your Internet Browser and Block It From there

For Internet Explorer

1. Load your Internet explorer
2. Click Tools
3. Click Internet Options
4. Click the Privacy tab
5. Under the Privacy window, Click Sites
6. Type in the site address that you want to Block and Click OK. Remember this technique only blocks on one site at a time. Parental control software will allow you to block multiple sites and categories.


1. In Firefox, click Tools
2. Click Add-ons
3. Click Get Add-ons
4. Choose Browse All Add-ons.
5. Type blocksite in the search bar.After installing the add-on you will be able to block sites with just a few clicks.

Google Chrome

1. Open your Chrome Web Browser
2. Click the wrench symbol in he upper right corner.
3. Choose Tools
4. Click Under the Hood tab.
5. Choose Change Proxy Settings.
6. Click Security, click Restricted Sites
7. Double click Sites and add the site you want block

How to Block A Website in All Web Browsers

This action will require you to edit your Host file. Your host file is a computer file used to store information on where to find a node on a computer network.

In Windows XP

1. Click Start->All Programs->Accessories->Command Prompt.
2. Click Command Prompt This will open a DOS command window.
3. Type: notepad C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts
4. Locate the line localhost
5. To block the website google.com for example, just add this text under localhost: google.com www.google.com

You can add as many sites any site, However you will need to prefix it with "".

6. Save the file
Google will now be blocked in all web browser. This is an advanced but easy method on how to blow a website.

That is One Way To Do It

Another Way to Do it is you Could install a Filter Onto your Router And From your Router you can Block it Please Note the Steps For this is Different on Every Router and Network

in Addition Some ISPS provide there own blocking system ask them if they have one


Addiction Is a Big Thing That a Lot of people have Some Addictions are Good Some Are Not So Good

What Goes as Far as Addiction ?

When you Can Stop Doing Something or eating or drinking something that is the Definition of Addiction

How Do you Stop Addiction

Easy Just Stop Doing What Ever it is if its Facebook Stop Going on Facebook if Its Doing Drugs Just Stop If its Eating Junk Food Stop you Get the Idea

what are Some Good and Bad Addictions

Good Addictions


Bad Addictions

Being Late to Something

What Are the Signs Of Addiction

Doing it None Stop Wont Do Anything Else other Than That One Thing Dropping out on other Activitys Just to Do This One ETC

if you Are In Denial To Addiction

Than you May Need to See your Doctor About this

Addiction has a Big Role in Our Health Because Some Addictions are Good and Some are Not so Good And Some of them has a Huge Effect on Our Health

And im Sure Once you Stop That Addiction

you Will Feel Great and a Lot Better

Monday, May 30, 2011

Funny Jokes

Want Some Funny Jokes but Cant Seem to Find Any Well here is Some Jokes that you can tell Right here

Occasionally, airline attendants make an effort to make the "in-flight safety lecture" and their other announcements a bit more entertaining. Here are some real examples that have been heard or reported:

"There may be 50 ways to leave your lover, but there are only 4 ways out of this airplane..."

Pilot - "Folks, we have reached our cruising altitude now, so I am going to switch the seat belt sign off. Feel free to move about as you wish, but please stay inside the plane till we land ... it's a bit cold outside, and if you walk on the wings it affects the flight pattern."

And, after landing: "Thank you for flying Delta Business Express. We hope you enjoyed giving us the business as much as we enjoyed taking you for a ride."

As the plane landed and was coming to a stop at Washington National, a lone voice comes over the loudspeaker: "Whoa, big fella. WHOA!"

After a particularly rough landing during thunderstorms in Memphis, a flight attendant on a Northwest flight announced: "Please take care when opening the overhead compartments because, after a landing like that, sure as Hell everything has shifted."

From a Southwest Airlines employee.... "Welcome aboard Southwest Flight XXX to YYY. To operate your seatbelt, insert the metal tab into the buckle, and pull tight. It works just like every other seatbelt, and if you don't know how to operate one, you probably shouldn't be out in public unsupervised. In the event of a sudden loss of cabin pressure, oxygen masks will descend from the ceiling. Stop screaming, grab the mask, and pull it over your face. If you have a small child traveling with you, secure your mask before assisting with theirs. If you are traveling with two small children, decide now which one you love more.

Weather at our destination is 50 degrees with some broken clouds, but they'll try to have them fixed before we arrive. Thank you, and remember, nobody loves you, or your money, more than Southwest Airlines."

"As you exit the plane, please make sure to gather all of your belongings. Anything left behind will be distributed evenly among the flight attendants. Please do not leave children or spouses."

"Last one off the plane must clean it."

And from the pilot during his welcome message: "We are pleased to have some of the best flight attendants in the industry ...Unfortunately none of them are on this flight...!

Heard on Southwest Airlines just after a very hard landing in Salt Lake City: The flight attendant came on the intercom and said, "That was quite a bump and I know what ya'll are thinking. I'm here to tell you it wasn't the airline's fault, it wasn't the pilot's fault, it wasn't the flight attendants' fault.....it was the asphalt!"

Another flight Attendant's comment on a less than perfect landing: "We ask you to please remain seated as Captain Kangaroo bounces us to the terminal."

After a real crusher of a landing in Phoenix, the Flight Attendant came on with, "Ladies and Gentlemen, please remain in your seats until Captain Crash and the Crew have brought the aircraft to a screeching halt up against the gate. And, once the tire smoke has cleared and the warning bells are silenced, we'll open the door and you can pick your way through the wreckage to the terminal.

Part of a Flight Attendant's arrival announcement: "We'd like to thank you folks for flying with us today. And, the next time you get the insane urge to go blasting through the skies in a pressurized metal tube, we hope you'll think of us here at US Airways."

On reaching his plane seat a man is surprised to see a parrot strapped in next to him. He asks the stewardess for a coffee where upon the parrot squawks "And get me a whisky you cow!" The stewardess, flustered, brings back a whisky for the parrot and forgets the coffee.

When this omission is pointed out to her the parrot drains its glass and bawls "And get me another whisky you idiot". Quite upset, the girl comes back shaking with another whisky but still no coffee.

Unaccustomed to such slackness the man tries the parrot's approach "I've asked you twice for a coffee, go and get it now or I'll kick you".

The next moment, both he and the parrot have been wrenched up and thrown out of the emergency exit by two burly stewards. Plunging downwards the parrot turns to him and says "For someone who can't fly, you complain too much!"

At the airport for a business trip, I settled down to wait for the boarding announcement at Gate 35. Then I heard the voice on the public address system saying, "We apologize for the inconvenience, but Delta Flight 570 will board from Gate 41."

So my family picked up our luggage and carried it over to Gate 41. Not ten minutes later the public address voice told us that Flight 570 would in fact be boarding from Gate 35.

So, again, we gathered our carry-on luggage and returned to the original gate. Just as we were settling down, the public address voice spoke again: "Thank you for participating in Delta's physical fitness program.


Takeoff's are optional. Landings are mandatory.

Flying is not dangerous; crashing is dangerous.

Speed is life, altitude is life insurance. No one has ever collided with the sky.

The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.

Flying is the second greatest thrill known to man. Landing is the first!

Everyone knows a 'good' landing is one from which you can walk away. But a 'great landing is one after which you can use the airplane again.

The probability of survival is equal to the angle of arrival.

Was that a landing or were we shot down?

Learn from the mistakes of others. You won't live long enough to make all of them yourself.

Trust your captain.... but keep your seat belt securely fastened.

Be nice to your first officer, he may be your captain at your next airline.

Any attempt to stretch fuel is guaranteed to increase headwind.

A pilot is a confused soul who talks about women when he's flying, and about flying when he's with a woman.

Try to keep the number of your landings equal to the number of your takeoffs.

There are old pilots, and there are bold pilots, but there are no old, bold, pilots!

Gravity never loses! The best you can hope for is a draw!

Gravity SUCKS!!

At a recent software engineering management course in the US, the participants were given an awkward question to answer. "If you had just boarded an airliner and discovered that your team of programmers had been responsible for the flight control software how many of you would disembark immediately?"

Among the ensuing forest of raised hands, only one man sat motionless. When asked what he would do, he replied that he would be quite content to stay onboard.

With his team's software, he said, the plane was unlikely to even taxi as far as the runway, let alone take off.

Some fun things to do the next time you're on one of those long international flights to kill time...

Pinch the stewardess' butt as she passes.

When two people kiss in the in flight movie, belch real loud.

When there's any nudity, hoot really loudly for a few minutes.

Fart loudly and act shocked, looking around to see who did it.

Fiddle around with the emergency exit, then ask a fellow passenger if he has a crowbar.

Hijack the cockpit and, over the loudspeaker, announce that the first class passengers and luggage are to switch places.

Run down the aisle screaming, "He's got a bomb! He's got a bomb!".

Go into the bathroom and make rude bodily noises, then come out looking refreshed.

"Accidental" soda spill on the dork next to you.

Give someone a coin, saying "Heads, I detonate the bomb. Tails, I don't".

Go into the bathroom, drop your pants, then come out, yelling "We're out of toilet paper! Stewardess!".

Describe your sex life in great detail to the five-year-old next to you.

Lead a bible study session in the back of the plane.

Start a hot dog stand.

Steal businessman's laptop, play solitaire on it.

Remark that perhaps you shouldn't have put super glue in your underpants that morning.

Pick your nose and pat the person next to you.

Show off your Batman underwear.

Switch accents and see if anyone notices.

Sneak into the cockpit and hit the warning alarm.

Scratch your butt, then sniff your finger.

Go into the cockpit, flick on the intercom light, then loudly inquire as to why the fuel dial says "e".

Go into the cockpit, ask the pilot in an obnoxious voice "Why do they call it the COCKpit?" then snort as if it's the funniest thing in the world.

Don't use deodorant, then "accidentally" stick your armpit in someone's face.

Sneeze, using somebody's sleeve instead of your hand to cover it.

Snort when you laugh.

Tell corny jokes and laugh like it's absolutely hilarious, then expect others to do the same.

Ride carry-on luggage down the aisle, yelling "Yeee-ha!".

With a desperate look, ask the stewardess where the bathroom is, then look relieved and say "Never mind. Do you have any towels?".

Jump up and scream "AAAHHH!! I left the stove on!!".

Ask someone for their autograph, pretending that you think they're Kevin Costner or Goldie Hawn (This best then the person looks nothing like the movie star in question)

If someone has a bad toupee, whack it off.

Pretend you're flying the plane.

Get some rub-on tattoos and a leather jacket, pretend that you belong to a biker gang.

Take over the plane with a toy gun.

Yell to someone "Is it time to hijack the plane yet?" (Note: Do this when there are stewardess nearby).

To the person next to you, say "It's amazing that they didn't notice the grenade in my luggage.

Top Ten Signs You Won't Win "American Idol"
From the Late Show with David Letterman

10. You dedicate "I Will Always Love You" to Saddam Hussein

9. Backstage, people say, "Are you still here?"

8. North Korea says if you lose they'll stop producing enriched uranium

7. Your mother says, "You're okay, but I'm really a big fan of Ruben"

6. You were recently named the three of clubs on the "Most Wanted Iraqi" playing cards

5. You've already appeared on another reality show -- "Cops"

4. Vegas gives you the same odds of winning it all as the Mets

3. You cancel your performance to stay home and watch "Jag"

2. Simon beats you with the microphone stand

1. Your voice is muffled by the SARS mask

"Artichokes ... are just plain annoying ... After all the trouble you go to, you get about as much actual 'food' out of eating an artichoke as you would rom licking thirty or forty postage stamps. Have the shrimp cocktail instead." -- Miss Piggy

"The most remarkable thing about my mother is that for 30 years she served the family nothing but leftovers. The original meal has never been found." --Sam Levinson

"This recipe is certainly silly. It says to separate two eggs, but it doesn't say how far to separate them." -- Gracie Allen

"I've been on a constant diet for the last two decades. I've lost a total of 789 pounds. By all accounts, I should be hanging from a charm bracelet." -- Erma Bombeck

"I told my doctor I get very tired when I go on a diet, so he gave me pep pills. Know what happened? I ate faster." -- Joe E. Lewis

"I will not eat oysters. I want my food dead -- not sick, not wounded -- dead." -- Woody Allen

"Food is an important part of a balanced diet." -- Fran Lebowitz

"Health food makes me sick." -- Calvin Trillin

"Watermelon -- it's a good fruit. You eat, you drink, you wash your face." -- Enrico Caruso

"Old people shouldn't eat health foods. They need all the preservatives they can get." -- Robert Orben

A man and his wife were having some problems at home and were giving each other the silent treatment. The next week the man realized that he would need his wife to wake him at 5.00 am for an early morning business flight to Chicago. Not wanting to be the first to break the silence, he finally wrote on a piece of paper, "Please wake me at 5.00 am."
The next morning the man woke up, only to discover it was 9.00am, and that he had missed his flight. Furious, he was about to go and see why his wife hadn't woken him when he noticed a piece of paper by the bed ... it said... "It is 5.00am; wake up."

Things you should never say to a cop when he pulls you over:

20. I can't reach my license unless you hold my beer.

19. Sorry officer, I didn't realize my radar detector wasn't plugged in.

18. Aren't you the guy from the villiage people?

17. Hey, you must have been doing 125 to keep up with me, good job.

16. I thought you had to be in relatively good physical shape to be a police officer.

15. I was going to be a cop, but I decided to finish high school instead.

14. Bad cop. No donut.

13. You're not going to check the trunk, are you?

12. Gee, that gut sure doesn't inspire confidence.

11. Didn't I see you get your butt kicked on cops?

10. Is it true that people become cops because they are too dumb to work at McDonalds?

9. I pay your salary

8. So uh, you on the take or what?

7. Gee officer, that's terrific. The last officer only gave me a warning.

6. Do you know why you pulled me over? Okay, just so one of us does.

5. I was trying to keep up with traffic. Yes, I know there is no other cars around, that's how far they are ahead of me.

4. What do you mean have I been drinking? You are the trained specialist.

3. Well, when I reached down to pick up my bag of crack, my gun fell off of my lap and got lodged between the brake and the gas pedal, forcing me to speed out of control.

2. Hey, is that a 9mm? That's nothing compared to this 44 magnum.

1. Hey, can you give me another one of those full cavity searches?

A business man got on an elevator in a building. When he entered the elevator, there was a blonde already inside and she greeted him by saying, "T-G-I-F" (letters only).

He smiled at her and replied, "S-H-I-T" (letters only)."

She looked at him, puzzled, and said, "T-G-I-F" again.

He acknowledged her remark again by answering, "S-H-I-T."

The blond was trying to be friendly, so she smiled her biggest smile and said as sweetly as possibly "T-G-I-F" another time.

The man smiled back to her and once again replied with a quizzical expression, "S-H-I-T."

The blond finally decided to explain things, and this time she said, "T-G-I-F, Thank Goodness It's Friday, get it?"

The man answered, "Sorry, Honey, It's Thursday."

When someone asks you what your favorite mode of transit is, it most likely isn't taking the bus! However, if you are stuck on a long bus ride, we are pleased to provide you with a list of things to do to pass away the time...

1. Eat nothing but gas inducing foods the entire trip, not hesitating to hare the wealth?with everyone on board. Recommended foods are chilli, burritos, McDonalds, any eggs, Kentuky Fried Chicken (stay near the toilet if you want the KFC...)

2. Repeat #1, only engage in a uppy war?with the bus driver. (For those that do not know what a uppy?is, it involves making a cup with your hand, farting in it and slipping it directly into the face of some unsuspecting friend.)

3. Every time the bus wobbles from the wind caused by passing transports, jump up and scream EE ALL GONNA DIE!?/font>

4. Incessantly complain that it is way too cold in the bus, no matter what the temperature is, keep doing it until the bus driver turns the heat up to full blast just to shut you up, then wait a few minutes for it to get really hot and start to complain about it.

5. Two words: Water Pistol

6. Two more words: Paper Airplanes

7. Make racing car noises constantly, occasionally announcing your progress along the acetrack?in an announcer voice. When anyone comes up to you and asks what the fuck you are doing, look at them funny and ask how they got in your NASCAR.

8. Eat nothing but really noisy foods, such as bags of chips, nachos, tacos, individually wrapped candies and unwrap them as loudly as possible. Also eat them noisily, chewing with your mouth open and making the loudest possible slopping noises.

9. Purchase a megaphone, uff said.

10. Engage in some hot, wild sex at the back of the bus with one or more passengers.

11. Sit at the back of the bus, turning off all the lights around you and keeping the blinds down, keep a black briefcase on your lap at all times, wear a black trench coat and a black hat, look really nervous, don talk to anybody and keep glancing at your watch.

12. Walk up and down the aisle, claiming out loud that you are Jesus and blessing everyone with a half-eaten leg of Kentucky Fired Chicken.

13. When the bus is driving all alone on a long stretch of highway, preferably completely devoid of life of any sort, suddenly jump up and start running up and down the aisle, flailing your arms and screaming as loud and you can....

14. Then after 30 seconds or so, sit down at your seat and act like nothing happened.

15. When the bus stops for a food break, instead of following the other passengers to a restaurant, sit outside in front of the big picture window on the ground with a struggling burlap sack. Open the sack and remove some small, live animal (cat, squirrel, rat, pigeon, etc) and eat it like a feral dog would, in the view of everyone else. Make lots of growling noises, snarl and snap at people who get too close.

16. Use the bathroom often, for disturbingly long periods of time. Make lots of grunting and straining noises, loud enough for everyone to hear. Occasionally drop an orange into the bowl from a good height.

17. When in the bathroom, wait for the bus to hit a huge pothole or bump, then scream for help, claiming you are now shitting on your head.

18. Get on the bus first, pick the seat right behind the bus driver, as everyone gets on, greet each one of them with a hug and a kiss.

19. At night when everyone is sleepy and unsuspecting, suddenly start barking as loud as possible, feel free to use megaphone.

20. Play with knives, just like Bishop on Aliens!

21. Clean a .357 Magnum, if that doesn't get peoples attention, cleaning the rest of your on board hand collection will.

22. When someone is in the toilet, bang on the door and yell at them to get out as quickly as possible. Then just as they open the door, put a strained look on your face and say ever mind...?then drive the point home by farting.

23. Musical chairs, using your 200 watt boom box.

24. Come onto the bus with a beanie on, sit down and put your walkman headphone buds up your nose. When the person sitting beside you looks at you like you are from mars, say "Mishap during an operation, Doctors just aren't the same these days."

25. When sitting down in your seat, pull out a small collection of vomit bags, look through them and ask the person beside you "If I run, out do you have any paper or plastic bags? I'm not picky, either would be fine...v

For more jokes visit

This Site

Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic the Hedgehog is a Another cool Game it is A Another Old One Tho

Whats the Goal of the Game

The Goal of the Game is to Get a Lot of Rings and to Not Get Eaten

How To Get through the Bosses

in the Game There will be some Bosses that you will have To Go Through Like the 1st one is Very Easy but as they go on and on they get harder a good trick to beat the boss is to go on top of it and beat it down like that thats how you get through it

Is There Bouns Levels

Yes When you Get to Certain Point its activated you will see something flying in the air jump and hit that and you will go to it and than Collect the rings and Dont Get Hit By the Monsters and you will Get Lots of Extra Points

is there a Way to Turn Hedgehog off

Yes There is Go to the Main Menu and go into Game Settings and you should be able to turn it off i know Hedehog can be very annoying to go with

Extra Life

In Green Hill Zone - Act 3, there is a 1-Up at the very bottom of the level. Collect it along with enough rings to make 100 for a second life. Next, grab the 1-Up at the top of the loop-de-loop and die. Repeat until you have enough lives.

Get all Emeralds

This cheat allows you to start at the First Level with all the Emeralds, and with lots of Continues. Use the Level Select cheat (see above) to get to the Special Zone. When you get the Emerald, and have entered into the First Zone, press Reset.

Use the Level Select cheat to get to the Special Zone again. When you get the next Emerald, and have entered the First Zone, press Reset again.

When you have all the Emeralds, continue on with the first level. You get to keep the Emeralds and the Continues accumulated so far.

Marble Zone Short cut

In Marble Zone act 3 you will find three chandeliers with spikes in them. Go to the far wall (on the right) and jump to the right to find some goodies. Now jump through the wall on the right again, but be careful of the other chandelier.

Scrap Brain Teleport

On the last level (Scrap Brain), find the ledges that move right then left. Go to the left side of the wall and wait for the platform to move. As soon as it starts to move left, duck. You'll go through the wall. While here, press Left to teleport right and Right to teleport to the left.

Level Select

At the title screen, hold A then press Up, Down, Left, Right. When you hear the chime, press Start.

If that doesn't work, try this: at the title screen, press Up, Down, Left, Right, hold A, and press Start. After doing this once, you only need to hold Start + A to enter the level select.

Debug Mode

Enable Control Mode. After pressing Start to begin a game, hold A until you see Sonic. If you see a bunch of hex numbers on the top of the screen, you're in Debug Mode.

To start debugging, press B, then you can select any sprite in that level and put it on the screen. To select a different sprite, press A, and to place it on the screen, press C. Note that sprite selection is different from Zone to Zone. Also, instead of displaying the time elapsed, it displays the number of sprites currently on the screen. Control Mode functions work as well.

Note: This only works on the first production releases of Sonic.

Control Mode

At the title screen, press Up, C, Down, C, Left, C, Right. While playing, you can pause the game and use A to restart, B for slow motion, and C for frame advance.


While the demo is playing, hold A + B + C. Sonic will get confused, lose his place, and possibly die.

Color Wheel

The Color Wheel is Very Important When it Comes to Designing When you Design Something you Have to Use the Right Colors If you Dont Use The Right Colors it Can Mess up a Lot of things what colors you pick will have a huge impact

Thats Why There is a Color Wheel That Was Invented the Color Wheel Will Help you Pick Out your Colors For your Design Thingy

Color Wheel

Look at the color wheel Generally the Rule is Look Across The Wheel on the color that you want and those are the Colors That Fit For your Website

i would Recommend Trying the Color out First and See if it works for your website on the site it gives you the code for the color plug it into your coding and see if it works if it doesn't than go back and try again and use a different color

if you Use the Wrong Colors your Design will Look Bad And if it looks bad than it will pull people away from looking at it

you Want People to Stay and Look at your Stuff So Be Smart and Design Smart

For HTML Tutorial Please Visit the HTML Tutorial Under Computers and Internet To Learn More About Coding

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Sims

The Sims is a Game Thats Similar to Harvest Moon you Can Build a House and So on and you Can Have a Family and you can Make them Marry Each Other and So on and Im Going to Give you Some Hints on it

Increase skills for multiple sims with one item at the same time

First, activate the move_objects on code. Then buy something that increases the skill you want to increase. Have the first sim use it and then move him and have the next sim use it. The first sim is still "using" the item, but now the other sim can to. Repeat as necessary

Stop the buglar

If a burglar comes you have no phone your sims are asleep or the police wont come in time just first pause the game with the p button on the keyboard then open the cheat the cheat box (cntrl+shift+c) then put in the move _objects cheat then delete the burglar! But if he has already stole something theres no point but it's up to you so be quick.

Move objects

To do way cool stuff type moveobjects_on just how it is there. To make a Sim really happy do the following; SAVE THE GAME! (must do this!), go to buy mode, bring up cheat console type in moveobjects_on, and then delete your sim.

Don't worry!!! The sim hasn't been killed you will see a little red X in the corner of your sims image just click on the image and your sim will appear happy as ever!!!

Nude Sims

Not so much a cheat but for a little fun and a giggle- when your sim is just about to get out of shower, (even if pixelated) pause game and go to either Buy or Build mode, then delete/sell shower. Return to play mode and your sim will be left naked- and no pixels- to roam around the house free as a butterfly. ;o)

Burglar What to Do Man

If a burglar is about to rob your house and your sims appear to do nothing that would help you the best thing to do is if you ever build a house.Build the house and decorate it.If your house is to fancy like if it has all expensive or a particular expensive objects.Then you should keep a burglar alarm ready in the house and it should be located next to the door.Hope I helped in your burglar troubles.

Delete Mail Box

To delete your mail box you need to hold ctrl, shift, c this opens o cheat box tipe move_objects go to buy mode click on your mail box and press delete warning this could make it so you can't talk to peaple you invite over.

Twins in Sims 1

When you Want To have twins In Sims 1 You Wait 3 Days on Slow Mode When You Have a Baby And When Your Baby Is just about Ready to turn Into A Child, A face should appear on Your Family Bar Thing, (You Have to be Quick and Pause The Game before Your Baby Turns into A Child) Click on the Face And Your Child Should Appear, Set the Game On Slow mode and The Cot should Turn Into A Child as Well.

You Now Have Twins Who Can interact With Each other and Their Parents, But be warned Only one twin can control Things, the 2nd one just mimicks the other.

Road Build

Have kids or can't be botherd to work no problem
You don't have to go to school or work and you can build on the road with one cheat

Ctrl + shif + c all togetthe then type move_objects on

And delete trash can and mail box then for loads of money rosebud

And then put your walls on the road school bus can't come up nor can a carpool

So have fun

Another Way to kill your Sims Not Cool tho i wouldint recommend it

First, make a big, deep hole. Put your sims in it. Voila! One dead sim!

Never Miss Work

Are you too busy to go to work, or wutever you do on the game??? Well then type ctrl-shift-c and type in move_objects (just like that). Then go grab the mail box and put it on the side of the road your carpool arives on.

It will not leave until you move the mail box. The only downside is the car will be sitting there Honking until you move the mail box. It sucks I know

P.S. This works with any object (beds,trashcans, walls, ect.)


To make your Sim full easily: enter the cheat "Move_objects on" then make your
Sim eat food and then while he is eating, go to buy mode or something and move your Sim. Your Sim will then be full and you will be able to prepare a new plate!
Continue doing it everytime you want your Sim to get full quickly!

Do You Hate Bills And Putting Out The Trash And Hiring A Repair

All you have to do is press shift ctrl and C then a grey box will appear then type in move_object and the click on the bin and you can delete it then delete the mail box or put in a collum...... then place the mail box on the top.

Put a wall around it also buy a trash can for 30 simoleons and when it is full delete it and you will get your 30 simoleons back or you can hire a maid for 10 simoleons a hour which I will admit don't hire the maid.

If you don't want to hire a repair man get a book case and you can study mechanical and get skills and repair it your self.

Dont Have 2 pay Bills

When your sim puts the bills on the table, just push control + shift+C and a grey box will appear where you can insert cheats. Then, type "move_objects on" into the grey box and go to buy mode. Just click on the bills and then you can delete them!!

For a really long balcony with no pillars.

If you want a really long balcony without all the pillars that take up too much pace. Then just go to the downstairs veiw and put the pillars where you want the floor to be, then go to the upstairs veiw and click "undo last move" until all the pillars are gone. If you did this properly you should still be able to put floor where the pillars were.

Perfect Sims

I would imagine that this cheat will work with all expansion packs, I have all of them and just figured it out. But lets begin,
1. Create your family, but give them no attributes.

2. Next, buy the potion maker, and make potions until you get yellow, which will reverse all your attributes, so your attributes will be maxed. (note-this could take a while.)

3. Now, enter the move objects code by pressing Ctrl+Shift+C then typing move_objects on

4. Now when you receive a skill, such as 1 logic skill from making potions, save the game and go to buy mode. Delete your character and go back to play mode. Click on your characters icon and he will be back with all of his previous skills due to the save and your characters will also be happy do to deleting him/her and bring them back

Makin magic Magicoin cheat

If you want to buy one of the houses next to magic town but you dont have enough Magicoins, move your sim into a vacant property and wait for the Mystery man to come and leave you a package. Open it and add the Magicoins to your inventory. Save the game and exit to neighbourhood view. Then evict the sim from their property and repeat this procedure. It does take a while but patience is a virtue and there is a good reward.

Getting Rid of The Garbage the Easy Way

You know all the complicated procedures to get rid of your trash? Well, here's how you can make money off it.

Sell your trash can when it gets full, and then buy a new one.

Ta-da! No taking the garbage out of the trash can, canceling the action, and blah blah blah. Ha ha ha ha hee hee hee.

House Making Hints

To create a square house or a room very easy just hold shift and drag your mouse across the screen, then simply let go of the mouse...... there you go, you have a square!!

Also if you want wall paper to cover your walls or capret to cover your floor, hold shif and thet go.

Use the ctrl button to deleat walls or flooring.......also water or pools.

When you put in cheats, hold (ctrl, shift, c) thenlet go and you will see a rectangle box in the left hand corner of your screen. Then type in any cheat you want.

Swimming in Streets

Ok first buy a swimming pool. Buy a diving board too.

Now, tell your sim to dive in. Right when the sim dives in, he has to be atleast halfway in the water, switch to build mode and click hand tool (the hand icon).

Then grab your sim and put him in the middle of the street. He'll still be swimming around!

P.S. This only works if the move_objects_on cheat is on. Activate it by pressing and holding shift,c,alt,and,ctrl all at the same time, which will bring up the cheat box at the top left hand corner of the screen.

Ways to Get Money other than Rosebud

*If your tired of flies, cockroaches, and your sims waisting $10 on chips then enter the move_objects on code.

*Press and hold ctrl+shift+C. Your gray box will pop up. Type in the following:
move_objects on

-When you have flies and cockroaches, go to the BUY MODE and pick up the bugs. You are able to delete them for $480.

-When your sim buys chips, don't let them eat them. Grab the bag from their hands(with move_objects on) in the BUY MODE and sell them for $15.

*You don't have to have any cheat on, but if you buy a "Steeling Beauty Loveseat" for $139, you can sell it for $578 in a day.

Pac Man

Pacman is a Really Old Game and I'm Going to Give you Some Hints on the Game

in Pacman it is a Really Hard Game you Really got to Focus on the Game if you Don't you will lose in a heart beat

The Object is Not to Get Eaten By the Monsters in the Game

When Pacman is Eating the Dots Always go to the White Spots As Quick as you Can It will help you get through more easier without having them eating you for a short period of time Note you will Adventively Run Out of them

When you Run out of the White Dots

Than keep on Moving but watch where The Monsters Are Going Always Go the Other Side of where its going

Don't Get Frustrated if you get eaten its Hard To Find Where its Going

Keep on Practicing

Adventively you will Figure it out and you will Play and Not Get Eaten by the Pac Man Monsters

Its A Really Fun Game to Play Every once in a While i Play that Game and i Always Have a Good Time Playing it Of Course i never gotten Past level 2 before because it is so Hard and i don't play it that often but yea you should see if you can Get Higher than Me

Hurricane Season Safety Tips

With June on its Way in a Day or Two Hurricane Season Starts June 1,2011 in this Blog i will Talk About Hurricane Awareness it is a Very Important to Talk About

Who is Impacted by Hurricane Season

Anyone On the East Coast Can Get Hurricanes Including Connecticut and New york Even As Far as Maine There Not Common in the Northeast but they are common in the south Like South Carolina Georgia And Florida Especially is a Big Target

Get your Supplies Ready What Do you Need to Survive you will need

Flash Light
Battery Operated Radio
Enough Food and Water for at least a Few Days even longer if you can

When Should i Really Be Worried about a Hurricane

As Soon As you are in the Path Pay Attention do not Assume its Gonna Change it Doesint Always Turn Out That Way

Whats the Different Between A watch and A Warning

A Watch Means its Possible A Warning means they are most Certain That its Coming

If A Evacuation is Ordered Should i Go

Yes you Should Never Mess With Mother Nature Not a Good Idea

Once The Storm Hits Should i Leave

No you Should Not You will Get Hurt Very Badly

What Can i Do To Protect My House

you Can Get Some Storm Shutters They will Protect the Windows at Least From Getting Smashed and Than Pray that it doesn't hit your house

if i Can Get a Generator Should i Get one

Yes you Should Once the Storm has Knocked out Power it Could be Out For Several Days it could even be a few weeks depending on How Bad The Storm Has Hit

After the Storm is Over When Should i Go Back Home

If you Evacuated Do Not Go Back until they Say its All Clear Most Often hurricanes stop and than Come and Attack Again

How Strong Can Hurricanes Get

Hurricanes Can Be As Strong as a Cat 5 which is Winds up to 156 mph


Taking Notes is Very Important Rather its For School Or Something Else Notes Can Help you a lot it Can Help You Remember Something if you Forget it And I'm Going to Show you some Good Note Skills Today

When you Take Notes Take Short Notes Especially if its A lot of Notes Break it up If you Do That you will have a Better Understanding of Whats Going on Here Don't Write Down Every Single Little Detail

Only Write Down Whats important Dont Write Down the Extra Details As They Are Unnecessary and Are Not Needed

Write Neat Notes If you Cant Read it than it wont be any good and if you cant read it than that means if somebody else picked it up they wont be able to read it either

if there is words that you are copying down that you dont understand dont write it down in that vocabulary instead grab a dictionary and look up the Words it will help you a lot

Keep them Organized if you keep it organized you will be able to find it later on if you dont you will not be able to find it

Compare Notes As To What the book says And See if it Makes Sense if it Doesint Revise the notes until they make sense

Leave Lots of Room on the Page If its a lot of notes break it down to separate pages i wouldn't recommend cramming into all in one page

Last But Not Least Study it the More you Read and Write it The Better you will Remember At What Ever it is

College in pjs

Collegeinpjs.com is a Site Where you Can Find a Good Online School With Education Connection and im going to show you how it works so you can Get to The Right Online College

When you First Sign onto the Site

it will Ask you Some Questions For Part one Fill That out

Now that you Finished the 1st part now the 2nd part

Fill Out your Contact information

And Than After that

Go and Do The 3rd Step and than your Done

They Say If you Do Online Colleges you will Earn A Million Dollars in your Life Time

Or Thats What the Commerical Says

Can i Do School Anytime

Yep Thats the Whole Purpose of Online Education you Can Do it During the Day or you can do it at night before you go to bed

Most Workers Will Most Likely Accept a online Education Diploma

How To Get a Lot of Friends on Social Networking Sites

Some people Want to Know How to Get a Lot of Friends on Social Networking Sites So I am Going to Tell you How To Get a Lot of Friends on Social Networking Sites


Add People And Use the Maxadds App you Can Find On that App Lots of People That Want to Be Added

Take It Slow Tho Do Not Go Fast Add About 15-20 at a Time and Than Stop and Wait Until Some People Start Accepting If you go to Fast you will Run into a Block From Facebook and it will log you out and make you make a agreement really annoying you definatly do not want to go through that and the blocks get longer as you go along so Take it Slow and Advently your adds should Really Start to Build

use The Friend Finder it will Give you Some Suggestions on People to Add and All That ETC


How to Get a Lot of Followers

you Can Get a Lot of Followers By Using this Site


Make a Account and Than Start Following people and you will in Return Get Lots of follower a Great Way to Build up your follower list

Note you Can Only Follow 2,000 People Until you get about 10% Out of the 2,000 People Following you once you got that than you will be able to follow people


Add People and Make Really Good Videos

if you Have Good Videos im Sure a Lot of People will add you


Add Add Add Thats The key To Get a Lot of Friends There is No Tricks Behind it there is a limit tho as to how many friends you can have you can only have up to 40,000 Friends unless you have a pro account which you have to buy there package in order to become a pro pro people can add a lot more people


Its Not As Popular As it Was Earlier on But Still Some People Use it today So i Shell tell you how to get a lot of friends on myspace

use Some Adding Websites Like These


infinite adds

those are the top two adding sites that can help you alot so use those sites and add people

on the side of your myspace page there mite also be some recommendations add people from the recommendations list

Turn on your auto Accept Friends Which you Can Now Do Thanks to myspaces Friend Feature to Activate it Go to My Stuff than Account Settings and from there you can do it

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Spring and Summer Is Just About Here This Time of The Year a Lot of People Are Adding onto there Gardens Or Making new Ones Here Are Some Things to Make Sure your Garden is a Successful Garden

When you Plant Something

Make Sure it Gets Plenty of Water

Becareful Not To Over water it

If it Gets Over Watered it Will Get Stressed out and it will die out

Check up on it every now and than

Make Sure that its Growing Properly

Make Sure it Gets Plenty of Sun

If its a Indoor Plant

Move it Closer to the Sun it will help a Lot

how Much Time will it Take For my Plant to Grow

It Depends on what it is that you Planted if its Fruit it will take a while if its vegetables it will take a while Flowers i would say would Take a Week or two If It Gets the Proper Amount of Water And Love And All That ETC

Is it ok to give herbs an all purpose plant and vegetable feed to help them grow

Yes it Could Help it Grow

Do Green Houses Make Any Difference in the Growing Stage

No it Does Not Green Houses Will Not Make it Grow Any Faster

What Can i Do A Deer Is Eating my Plants

Well Deer can be Very Hard To Get Rid of i would Suggest putting up and installing a electric fence near your garden that way when deer come they will get zapped and stay away from your garden it can be expensive to install but it would be well worth it

How do I save my plant

Well first you Got To Figure out what your doing wrong and than reverse what ever it is that your doing if its watering it to much dont over water it if its not enough give some more

Can A Hanging Plant Survive and Purduce

Yes it Can Well it Depends on what it is For Most things it can for a Few Items it May Not Be Able to

When is the Best Time to Plant Things

Early Spring is the best time to plant things thats when growing Stage is at its Very best

Friday, May 27, 2011

How to Make a Good Presentation

We All Make Presentations About Something Rather its For School or For a Business i am Going to Give you Some Info On Somethings that you mite wanna do to make your presentation good and effective

Use Less Words

This is Not Word its Not Meant For Paragraphs Use Less Words As Possible If you use less Words People will Pay Attention if you Put Paragraphs it will pull people away from your Presentation

Only Put 5 Bullets Per Slide

Only Use 5 Bullets Per Slide you dont want to many bullets in your slide people will get over whelmed at the information power points Are Meant to be used as a Guideline you are doing most of the talking the presentation is just there to help them guide them selfs as to where you are

Look at the Audiance

Try Not to Read off of the screen look at the Audience as you Speak it makes them feel welcome and that you want to talk to them about the topic if you read off the power point and dont make eye contact to the audiance they wont feel welcome at the presentation

Try Not To Get Nervous

A Lot of people will get Nervous Relax

Practice Before your Presentation

Practice Makes Perfect if you Practice Before you make a Presentation you will be less likely to read off of the screen and have your eyes more on the audiance which is where they belong in a presentation

Put Some Pictures in the Power Point

Remember Pictures Are Worth a Thousand Words They Can Really Tell a Story About What is Going on and all that ETC

Make your Font Big

Dont Make the Words Small Make it Big so Everybody can see it Even Elderly People if you make it small some people may not be able to see whats going on on the screen but dont make it to big either make it kind in the middle a size 20 or above is a good font size anything over 30 is to big

Throw Some Color Into your Power Point

Nobody Likes to Look at a Boring Background if you put some color and a nice background people will Pay Attention to your Presentation

Follow These Guidelines And You will Have a good Presentation

Good Luck

How To Get Rid of Zits and Pimples

We All Have Seen it Im Sure At One Point or Another or If you haveint yet you Probaly will Advently See a Zit on your Self And you probaly will Wonder How To Get Rid of it and im Going to Tell you about Zits And Pimples

How Do Zits And Pimples Come up

These are all small skin infections within a skin pore. The short answer is that the more stress your body is under, the weaker your immune system. Clogged pores don't necessarily result in an infection. Oily skin is more likely to provide a breeding ground for the sorts of bacteria that would cause these infections, so it is important to clean the skin and keep it relatively dry.

Diet and environment are really the key, though. Has anyone noticed that when looking at old pictures, its almost impossible to find people with acne? That's because they weren't consuming soda, fast food, and breathing car exhaust and industrial pollutants all day.

On another tip, have you ever seen a bald bum? Probably not, because they don't use shampoo all the time, which strips your scalp of its natural oils. Just a note to remind you that oily skin does have benefits (including the prevention of wrinkles). booya.

They Also Come up When you Dont Wash your Face Correctly Always Make Sure you Wash your Face Correctly

Now How To Get Rid of a Pimple Or A Zit

Visit your Drug Store Walgreens or CVS or Any Drug Store and They will Sell Products that will Get rid of it there is a whole bunch of ones that will work Such As Zeno Hot Spot And Proactive are the top two that i recommend but look around and get a few different ones and put it over the zit or pimple and it should go away soon

How Long Does it Take Once Under Treatment

It Depends on What Product you use some Take 24 hours some take less than 24 hours to take effect some take a week look on the Label of the product and it should tell you How long It Takes To Go Away

if you guys Know of other ways to get rid of it feel free to share on this blog

Thursday, May 26, 2011


TJMaxx is a Name of a Fashion Company They Sell Everything From hand Bags to Shoes To Dresses And Much More And Today i am Going to Tell you How There Site Works

How Do i Find A Tjmaxx thats closest to me

On the Website Where it says Find a Store Enter your Location information and it will pull up the Stores That are The Most Closests to you

Does TJmaxx Offer Online Shopping

No They Do Not you Can Only Buy Gift Cards online

How Do i See Maxx Finds

Go to There Website tjmaxx.com click on maxxfinds and you Can See What other Customers have Baught

Do They Have a Facebook

Yes they do like them on Facebook to Recieve up to Date information about there merchendise in your news feed http://www.facebook.com/tjmaxx

Do They Have a Twitter

yes http://www.twitter.com/tjmaxx

I have a Complaint About a Emenployee or Merchndise or Something

To Address your Complaint Contact Customer Service on there Site Click on customer Service and Fill Out The Form

How Do I Share My Finds

On The Website Click on Share my Find Browse your Hard Drive for the Picture and than Fill Out the other info than click on the button To Share it on Twitter Upload it to Twitpic And Than copy the link and Tweet @tjmaxx with the link to the picture For Facebook Go to there Profile and than click on the pictur button and choose your picture than write the information about it and hit the share button

I need to Return Something From Tjmaxx

There Return Policy is you can Return Things up to 30 Days With the Recipt After the 30 Days or if you do not have the receipt you can Only Get Store Credit only Merchendise that is worn or used will not be accepted for refund or exchange

See this Link For there Policy


How Do i Find Out about Grand Openings

on the Bottom Click on Grand Opening and Click on your state and you can see if a Tjs is Coming closer to you

How Do i Find A merchendise

you Have to Check the Store Each T.J has a different Selection

How Many Stores are there

900 all over the united States and its growing

is it Always the Same Store

No it is Not The Selection is Always Changing


Chooseing the Right Camera Will Make a Huge Difference In your Work

Remember Good Cameras Dont Take Good Photos The Photographer Takes Good Pictures

i Have my Self A Kodak Easy Share m1093is which is a Very good Camera if you wanna see what the camera looks like i will provide a link to it


It Doesint Just Come in the Red Color it comes in Black and in a Few other colors as well

Budget Out How Much Money you Have to Spend And Where you buy your Camera Will Also Make a Difference

When buying your Camera i would not Recommend Buying it on Ebay Even tho Ebay can be a good Site if you are not Careful you can Get your Money Ripped Off Easily if you Dont Believe me Ask Other People Who have gotton there stuff ripped off because they were not careful about what they baught on ebay

Where to Buy Digital Cameras

They Sell Digital Cameras In a lot of Places you Can Buy them From Walmart Costco Best Buy Basically any Electronic Store Should have them and should do it

i would Recommend Buying them At the Store so you can see what they look like and what they could do for you

Get a New Camera Dont Get an Old Or Used One because you want one that will last you a long time you dont want one that is about to Die Out Right Im Sure Nobody wants that Feeling at all

Here are Some Of the Popular Cameras That Photographers use

Cannon And Nikon Those are the two Most Popular Ones That Photographers use of course you dont have to use those there just some suggestions

Once you Buy your Camera Go Home and Read the Manual

Every Camera has Different Settings and Will Work Differently

if you Dont Read the Manual you Wont Get Very Far as Far as Figureing out the camera

Do a Test Run Make Sure it Works Right

If it Doesint Work Bring it Back to The Store Remember Most Stores Have a Limited Amount of Time That you can Return the Camera some stores will give your money back or some stores will let you exchange it to a different one it really depends on the store

Most Important of all Have Fun With your Camera

And Enjoy

The Difference in Shutter Speeds and Camera lenses

In photography What Everyone Wants to do is Be Able to Take Good Photos One Thing im going to Tell you is Shutter Speeds The Speed At Which you Take the Photo Will make a Huge Difference in the quality of the photo

If you Rush the Camera and Take A Picture to Soon it will Come Out Very Bad Quality and you will be Unhappy with your work

However if you take your time and Give the Camera Some Extra Time to Get into Focous you Will be Able to Get Better Results in Your photos

it Also Helps To have a Good Camera

Whats a Good Speed To Take it at

It Depends on The Lenses That you have if you have

i Would Say it would be good to wait up to 10 seconds maybe a minute at the least

if you See Bad Quality than Keep on Adjusting the time til it gets better

This is not the Only Thing you have to do to take pictures but it is Indeed One of the Ways Cameras Quite Often Get out of Focoused


Orginzation is Very Important in Life Many People Dont Realize how important it is

Being Organized Can Help you Clear Space and it Can Help you improve your life by finding things more easily

In Computers Keeping Files Organized Helps you Find And Access Information a Lot Quicker than Keeping them Scattered All Over the Place

We Dont Only Need it in Computers

For School And Work We Need it As Well If We Keep Our Papers Organized We Can Save Our Selfs A Lot of Time And We Can Find Our Paper Work a Lot Easier

There Are Things that you can Buy That will Help Keep Your Self Organized There is a Pocket Folder That Has lots of Different Sections where you can Fill it with paper and so on and it keeps your self organized

Here is a Picture of what it looks like


Notice how its one Thing No Several Folders and Plus Its Much harder to Break than those regular Folders

i Baught my Self One of those at the beginning of the year even tho i dont need it much considering i dont get a lot of papers and since most of my school work is done on the computer it still really comes in Handy

So Think About this and Try And Organize your Self today youd Be Amazed at How Much Better Things would be if you were Organized

Smoking And Drinking

Smoking and Drinking is Very Bad For your Body Smoking Especially

Why People Smoke

People Smoke Because they Think Its Cool They Think it Gets Rid of Stress Out of your Body And More But The Truth is False It Doesint Do That it Just Hurts your Body more

What Effects Does Smoking have On My Body

it Can Increase your Blood Pressure it Causes Smelly Hair Smelley Teeth it Can Kill you as Well

How People Get Addicted to Smoking

in Cigarettes and in Other Drugs There is Nicotine in it Which Gets People Addicted Once you Get addicted to it it is Very Hard to Stop Smoking

How To Quite Smoking

First thing you Can Try is Just to Stop Smoking stay away from drugs and if anybody else asks you to smoke say no there is also medication out there that can help reduce the urge to smoke see your doctor as well youd be amazed at what they can come up with to smoke

How Many People Die From Drugs

2 to 5 million people Die Every Single Year not a good Thing at all

there Was a Kid Who Died From Heorin

Back in 1996 There was a Kid Named Ian who Died From a Heorin overdose He Was a Good Student in High School for the full story visit http://www.couragetospeak.org

Signs That Somebody may be using Drugs

Dropping Grades
Loseing Interest in people
Lieing About things
Getting Away With Bad Behavior
Coming Home Late

Any of those signs could mean that somebody may be using drugs if you or Someone you know experience any of those signs its possible someone may be using drugs

Drinking is Also Bad For your body

Every year People do Drinking and Driving people think o a few drinks wont effect my ability to drive and than they start driving and next thing you know they get into a car crash and they end up killing somebody its a good idea that if your driving to lay off on the drinks or if you do have one only have one dont have to many of them

Spywere and Virus

We All Have Seen Viruses Im Sure And They Are Super Annoying They Can Slow your Computer Down They Can Delete Files they can Do All Kinds of Evil Stuff And Now i am Going to Tell you now All About Viruses

What is a Virus

A virus is a piece of code that attaches itself to a program or file so it can spread from computer to computer. They can also try to damage your software, your hardware, and your files.

What is a Worm

A worm, like a virus, is designed to copy itself from one computer to another, but it does so automatically. First, it takes control of features on the computer that can transport files or information. Once a worm is in your system, it can travel alone. A great danger of worms is their ability to replicate in great volume. For example, a worm could send out copies of itself to everyone listed in your e-mail address book, and their computers would then do the same, and so on till they clog the networks.

Because worms don't need to travel via a "host" program or file, they can also tunnel into your system and allow somebody else to take control of your computer remotely.

What is a Trojan Horse

Just as the mythological Trojan horse appeared to be a gift, but turned out to contain Greek soldiers who overtook the city of Troy, a pc Trojan horse is a computer programs that appear to be useful software, but instead they compromise your security and cause a lot of damage.

Trojan horses spread when people are lured into opening a program because they think it comes from a legitimate source. Trojan horses can also be included in software that you download for free.

How Do i Stop your Self From Getting them

The first step is to make sure your pc has up-to-date virus protection software on it. Windows Live OneCare is Microsoft’s solution, though there are also many other brands available in the market. Once installed be sure that it’s enabled, and schedule regular scans of your pc.

Second step is to use Windows Update to keep your pc current. These updates close any security holes that have been found in Windows, or in the third party drivers, in order to keep you safe.

Third step is common sense. Virtually all viruses and many worms cannot spread unless you open or run an infected program. SO, never open anything that is attached to an e-mail unless you are expecting it, even if it came from you best friends. And never download software from a source that you don't trust.

If you receive an e-mail with an attachment from someone you don't know, delete it immediately.

Also Becareful What Websites you Visit and Becareful what you download some programs and websites contain viruses

What is the Difference Between a Virus and All of the other things that you mentioned

The Difference is They Do Different Damage To your Computer Some of them is more Severe

How Can i Tell If i Have a Virus Or Not

Your computer might slow down or crash and restart every few minutes. Sometimes a virus attacks the files you need to start up a computer. In this case, you might press the power button and find yourself staring at a blank screen.

All of these symptoms are common signs that your computer has a virus—although they could also be caused by hardware or software problems that have nothing to do with a virus. Unless you have up-to-date antivirus software installed on your computer, there is no sure way to know if you have a virus or not.

if your computer is experiencing any of that than you know you have got your self a virus

Whats a Good Program To Use To Protect my computer from Viruses

AVG Is The Best one out there Today

What are the Top 10 Viruses and Info on Them

1. Nimda: This combo-platter hacker program was the sum of all malware-based fears; i.e., it was a trojan, a virus, and a worm in one package. This nasty little hybrid was capable of infecting your computer in many different ways. It also managed to become the world's most prevalent virus at the time in less than an hour after it was unleashed online.

2. ILOVEYOU: Hands down, this was one of the most destructive malware ever created by man. Millions of computers were compromised and about the same amount of dollars were lost by this virus that hid behind an email and masqueraded as a love letter. This is the one virus that could claim to have shut down the computer networks of the Pentagon and CIA during its heyday.

3. Code Red: This is yet another highly widespread and damaging virus (which was, incidentally, named after a short-lived Mountain Dew variant) that has infected as many as three hundred sixty thousand computers in just one day. It's also the most difficult virus to remove in a system, because it can easily re-infect a machine that has just been cleaned. The amounts of resources and IT personnel time it ate up were also staggering.

4. Slammer: This malware has been described by experts as a tremendously quick-spreading computer worm that is capable of infecting the most exposed and vulnerable hosts within minutes of its deployment. This byte-sized malware terror was able to infect over seventy-five thousand machines worldwide after it was launched on January 25, 2003.

5. Blaster: Although it wasn't the most hazardous worm in the world because of its coding flaws, it was still one of the most hyped up and overexposed malware programs of all time because of the huge amounts of attention the media gave to it. An updated variant of this worm was created by an eighteen-year-old hacker named Jeffery Lee Parson, which quickly infected over fifty thousand machines worldwide.

6. Morris Worm: Robert Morris's 1988 Morris Worm was one of the very first worms ever made. It was quite an infamous achievement for malware created by a Cornell graduate student because it ultimately led to its creator's conviction under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (Morris was the first man convicted under that act, in fact).

7. Welchia: This is believed to be one of the most peculiar worms in computer history because it was developed by a white hat hacker to actually clear out the ever-growing Blaster worm infection before deleting itself. In effect, it can be considered the first (and probably only) positive, non-malignant worm ever created.

8. Commwarrior-A: Experts believe this virus to be the next logical step in malware evolution. More to the point, the virus struck with impunity on the summer of 2005 in an area that was least expected: mobile phones. The first cellphone virus was only able to spread to sixty phones via text messages, but it could prove to be the start of a mobile device malware outbreak.

9. Elk Cloner: This was a relatively harmless floppy disk virus written in 1982 by a high school student. It specifically targeted Apple II computers and it merely caused affected machines to show a poem written by its maker on every fiftieth boot.

10. Creeper: Considered by many computer historians to be the first computer virus ever made, the Creeper was able to infect PDP-11 machines linked to ARPANET (the Defense-Department-made Internet predecessor). This self-replicating but benign (all it made the computer do was display the message, "I'm the creeper, catch me if you can!") virus was a precursor to today's inescapable malware epidemic.

What is Spywere

it is Software that self-installs on a computer, enabling information to be gathered covertly about a person's Internet use, passwords, etc

How Do I Stop Spywere

Same Thing As mentioned above for viruses

How Do i Protect my Self From Spywere

The Answer is the Same Thing as Viruses

How is Spywere Different From a virus

Spywere Gathers information about a persons internet use while viruses Attack your computer and do a lot more Harm


The Internet is A Powerful Thing Before the Internet Was Created How Did We Communicate Messages To Each Other Before The Internet We Were Writting letters and That Ended up Being so Slow So Someone Made the Internet and Now We Are Able to Communicate With Each Other Easier We Can Share Information Easier And So on

Who Started the Internet

A Group of People ARPA Started the Internet

What Year Was The Internet Started

The Internet Was Started Back in 1957

How Do People Make Money on the Internet

People Make Money By Making Websites and Advertiseing on the Internet People Pay Other Website owners Money And they get money when people click on there ad

How Does The Internet Get Our Information

There is in the Sky Which We Cant See A Satelite So When We Connect to the Internet It Shoots up into the air up to the satelite Gets That Information than Shoots it Back To The Internet

Whats the Difference Between Dial up Internet and Modem Internet

Dial Up Uses the Phone Line to Connect to the Internet and is Much Slower While the Modem Internet is Much Different And Not Slower At All

How Do Other People Make There Websites

Other People Make There Websites By Using The HTML Format and Finding a Good Host Provider for More Info on How to Learn About HTML please Visit This Tutorial

How to Identify Someone Elses Computer

To Identify Someones Computer you Need there IP address Once you Get there IP Address you Can Trace There Computer Down And Find Out Where there Computer is Located

Can you Communicate With the Internet Without a Ip Address

NO You Can Not Without The Ip Address you Will Not be Able to Get onto the Internet At All

Can Anyone Use the Internet

Yes Anyone Who Has a ISP And A Modem Or Dial Up or Someway to Connect Can Use the Internet

What is a ISP

A ISP Is a Internet Service Provider A Company that Provides your Internet Without A ISP Or a Ip Address you will not get that far even if you set your network up Pretty good

What is a Network Virus

A Network Virus is When You Get A Virus and it Attacks your Whole Entire Network Once it Has Access to your Network it Can Do Lots of Bad Things To your Internet It Can Control it it Can Send Spam And Lots of other Evil Stuff Becareful What you Click on on the Internet

Computer Repair

Ever Have A Hard Time Figureing Out problems and Want to Fix It Ever Wish There Was A Way Well in this Tutorial i will Share with you some Problems and How to Fix Them

Browser Crashes

Well The Most common Thing to make it crash exit out witthount you clicking on anything could be any of the possible

2.a Virius mite be eating your computer

How to Fix it

i Would Recommend to Please Leave your Browser alone for a while if that doesint work than do a spywere scann and than if that doesint work try uninstalling and Reinstalling The Browser

If That doesint work than you need to call a Technion

Internet Goes in and out

Well There can be multiple things causing your internet to be interupted to fix it i would recommend if you have a modem to unplug it and replug it back in to see if that works if you have dial up contact your Isp Provider

My Computer is slow how do i Get it Back to being fast

Well There can be multiple things that mite cause it to run slow if you have a old computer than you need a new computer other cases you could have spy were and virus on your computer i would suggest downloading AVG A Free Program on your computer i have the program and it works good and it keeps it running fast it scans even when your not on the computer maintaining it fast

Hard Ware Stop Working
Often, software or OS issues can cause hardware malfunctions. In order to fix these kinds of problems we will need to uninstall the device from the operating system, and then allow it to scan and reinstall the hardware for you. Here are the exact steps for Windows XP:
1. Click on the Start Button, and then click on the Control Panel. If you are using the classic Start Menu you will need to go through settings in order to get to the control panel.
2. After the Control Panel has opened, double-click on the item labeled "Performance And Maintenance", and then open the System Control Panel. If you are using the Classic Control Panel you can go directly to opening the System Control Panel.
3. Click on the Hardware tab, and click the Device Manager button.
4. Find the specific hardware device that you are having problems with, and then right-click on it and uninstall the device. (You may not be able to uninstall some devices)
5. Now, you can either simply restart you computer, which allows Windows to reinstall the hardware when it restarts, or click on "Scan for hardware changes" under the Action menu.

computer not detecting LCD Screen

Well The Most Common Thing That It Would Not Go on is That You Plugged it in wrong
Or A Another Thing is if you have A Firewall on your computer Than Sometimes it mite cause it to stop working right

USB Not Detected

Well anything can be possible Here are a Couple of Them
1.USB Is Blocked on a Computer If that is the case you need to unblock it some how in order for the usb flash drive to
be detected
2.It could be your computers Hardware

The Screen is sideways how do i get it back to its original spot

Well its different for Every Operating System But for some You Press Ctrl Alt And Than The Arrow Keys To Get it Back
Check your System Manual

Sound Not Working

Well There can Be Many Things That can Make your Sound Not working How to Fix it Follow These Steps
1.Go Into Control Pannel Under Settings Click on Sound and Run Through The Computers Trouble Steps If that doesint work
2.Check To Make Sure Your Sound is Not Disabled A Lot of Times People dont know it but it gets disabled
if that doesint work there is something wrong with your sound card

My Camera Is not Detected How Do i Get the Computer To Detect it how do i fix it ?

Well There can be multiple Ways of It Not Being Detected

1st Off Make Sure Your Firewall is not turned on Firewall Turned on can cause the computer to be blocked from connections if its not turned on than try the following

Uninstall The Camera Device Than Reinstall it

Check to See if its Plugged into the wrong plug sometimes if its pluged into the wrong spot the computer will not detect it

If The Following Does not work than it Probally most likely is the camera contact your camera company for additional help

Program Problems Program Is Not Responding

Sometimes The Computer Has A Unexpectly Point Where it Freezes out In Most Cases You Can Fix It By Keep on clicking the button and it will go away if it does not than end it by Hitting CTRL ALT DELETE Than Under Processes
Note This may be different on Each Operating System but There will be a Tab That Says that or Similar than Select the program and hit the End Now Problem That Can happend Sometime but if it does it all The Time Like Everytime you open up the program than you got a problem

How To Fix it ? Try the Following
1.Uninstalling the Software
2.If it says to Send a Error Report Do it by Doing that the computer is sending the problem to the people who own the
3.Wait a Little Longer Sometimes You Pressure it to Much
4.Run a Scandisk
5.Run Defragment Clearing up space can help the programs Run Better

Computer Making Noises

It is Never a Good Idea for The Computer to Be Making Noises if it is Making Noises chances are Something is wrong with your computer it could be either one of the following The Fan is Working to Hard One of your Parts Mite Be in the Wrong Spot

How do I Fix The Problem To Fix the problem First Open your Desktop or Laptop case Up WARNING WHEN WORKING MAKE SURE YOUR POWER IS OFF OR ELSE YOU MITE BLOW YOUR MOTHERBOARD UP Than take the part out that you suspect is making noise and replace the part and put it back in

Computer Shuts it self off or restarts by it self why does it do that ?

Well Simply Your CPU Fan Could Be Dieing or it could also be dirty

How To Fix it Well Simply if its Dirty than clean it out I Would Also Recommend Make Sure your Fan is at a good tempatcher if That Does Not Work than you will have to get a new fan

Clock Loses its Time

Well It is Caused by Your CMOS Battery Dieing
How to Fix it ?

i Would Recommend to Replace your Cmos Battery Most likely That will Fix your problem

My computer Will Not Turn on At all

Well in Some Cases its because something is plugged in wrong other things could be if you built your computer you could've Put something in wrong
Its Always Good when you build your computer to keep a diagram so you know where goes which


For Those of you who Dont build your computer than in that case you would need to take it in for service

Computer dials itself onto the Internet all by itself.

Usally the Most likely Cause of that is Spywere and Virius Or if you have programs that require updates and require to be
on the internet than it mite dial it self onto the internet to do that

how to fix it ?

i would install a virius and spywere program to get rid of it a good one would be AVG And Also Check to make sure you dont
have any programs that have settings that allow it to go on the internet

I Connect My Cell phone to the Computer When i want to Transfer files from my cell phone to the computer and its not recognizing it

Possible Cases

Firewall is turned on Very Important when transfering files turn the Firewall off often it causes the connection problem

Make Sure you Have The Latest Software of your cell phone sync device installed
How Do i Fix this problem ?

if its the firewall turn it off

Install the Latest Version of your Sync Device

if that Doesint work Contact your cell phone company for further assitance as it probally most likely is a problem with your cell phone or the company

Aim Msn Yahoo Messenger Not Working I Cant Get on
How to Fix it

Well it could be either one of the following The Network it self mite be experincing some problems you have no internet connection Check your connection
you have a firewall on if thats the case than turn it off if none of those work than contact aim,msn,yahoo

A lot of pop Ups are Popping up Like Uncontrollable One after another Whats Happening

Well if Pop ups Are Controlling your Computer than you got most likely a virius That is Eating your computer its normal if Some Pop ups Pop up But If Several Keep on Coming one after another than its not Normal if that is the case you should Scann your computer for virius and Remove any Virius and Spywere And that should fix the problem if not i would Contact your computer problem For Future Reference Keep your firewall on to protect your self on the internet and becareful what websites you go on

My Game Wont Play Why Wont it Play

Well It Depends i would recommend to check the disk To see if its scratch if its scratched than its not the computer i would also check the system requirements if all fails i would contact the game company as it is most likely a problem that could be on there side or something

Laptop Shuts off and on Why does it do that

Well When it does that Usally there is something wrong with your Battery i would recommend to try the following

Check The connections

If you have any usbs plugged in besides the charger try unplugging it as it may interfere with the laptop

change the battery

If all is to Fail Than I would Take it To Get it Fixed Remember when it does that it is never good for the laptop

Laptop Wont Charge

If your Laptop Says That its plugged in but Not Chargeing There is a Problem With The Battery Here is Some Things you Can Try

1.Run a Test On your Laptop There Should Be a Battery Test Run it and See if its Working Right If it Says its Running Right When its Not

2.Shut Down your Laptop Than Unplug your Battery And Than Hold Down the Power Button For a Minute After a Minute Plug the Battery Back in Than Try Turning your Computer Back on If Its still Not Chargeing Than

3.Try Updateing your Computers Drivers And Stuff your Laptop Company Will be Able to Help you Out With That

4.Try Recalabrating the Battery Here is a Link That Explains the Step i know its an HP But all Laptops The Steps Should be the Same Really


If all is To Fail Than its Not your Laptop Its the Battery it self you Will Need to Get a New Battery if your laptop is under Warrenty than you should be Covered For That

Black Screen

You Start your Computer up And You See a Whole Bunch of Options Like Safe Mode
Safe Mode with command prompt.Start windows normally Than When you Choose The Start Windows Normally Button It Goes Black

How Do I Fix it

This option come when you shut down the PC using external stuff (like pushing the Power button (for laptops) or suddenly the cable of power disconnect or sometimes when battery charge low and ...) ... so when you did such as what i said, you should "Start windows normally".... but sometimes your computer has crushed or something by a virus... or you have a problem with your hardwares, you can "Safe Mode", so you can Fix the problem and start the windows normally again! it shouldint really be a big problem but if it continues afterwords than Contact a PC Professional

And in The Future Shut the Computers Down properly do not force it to shut down it is bad for the computer if you do it To Many Times that Will Happend

Why have does your computer have problems?

Well, the biggest problem that your computer has is its owner. More than 80% of computer problems stem from neglecting to perform simple maintenance task such as cleaning your registry, emptying your cache files and updating software regularly. If these task a perform diligently. You would be reading this article from a five year old machine running on Windows 98 operating system. So, lets take a look at the top five computer problems and how to avoid them.

1. Computer has performance has slowed.

This is the number one complaint from most users. There are several reason why this has occurred. However, most can attributed to lack of maintenance. Fragmented data, corrupted registry, spyware, and load of unnecessary programs and services running can all eat away at your PC speed and performance. Manage your programs and cleaning your registry would easily award you a 30% gain in performance speed. Check out The 4 ways to speed up my computer

2. Lockup, freezes, and blue screens of death.

This is a another common computer problem. However, this particular issue is a bit more serious; therefore, it needs a few diagnostic steps. In most cases this problems are caused by spyware. To avoid this problem update your anti-spyware program daily. Having the most up to date signatures will help you avoid having a serious spyware problem. However, if you have concluded that your PC is spyware free. You should update your hardware drivers. The computer cannot communicate with various hardware components without an up to date driver. When it cannot find a driver, the CPU locks up. Also, increasing your virtual memory can also help to avoid freezes. Virtual Memory will allow to you get more use out your computer's RAM. Check the resource box for more info on the subject.

3. The computer spontaneously reboots or turn itself off.

This computer problem can be usually attributed to a hardware issue. Usually its the power supply is dying or in most cases a dirty or defective cooling fan. The computer trying to cool itself by automatically switching off. So, if you feel a bit of extra heat coming out the computer. Clean the fan and make sure it running properly. If your fan is functional, check your power supply. Also, you will be surprised how many people fail to make sure the cables are attached tightly. This be the cause of this particular computer problem.

4. Strange noises and vibrations.

This is almost totally a hardware issue. You computer is made up of thousands of parts. Its not unheard of that one of them can become unhinged. Overheating can cause expansion of wires and melt some sensitive. High pitch noises such as squealing or whining sounds can be cause electronic components. Whatever the reason, you conduct a small investigation. Remove the case and run the computer to discover the origin of the computer problem. If its not a simple matter such as a loose wire or fan issue, it may be time to call a computer tech.

5. Your home page, default search engine, or web browser has changed itself.

This is also known as "high-jacking". Spyware has been installed on your computer via social networking or from email link. This action has allowed spyware to install a java script into your web browser. The spyware then sends a message to your browser to change your user settings. For example change your home page to another web page.

Some Tips On How to Keep your Computer Running Great And Longer

1.Turn your Laptop or Desktop Off or on Sleep Mode if possible when you are not using it Doing this Will Save Energy Not only on your bill but it will save Energy For the computer And it will run a lot better that Way As Well The Less Energy that is being run the more capacity the computer will have when you are really using it

2.Becareful What Sites you Click on Some of them can Contain Viriuses Which Could Hurt your Computer there is Even Network Viriuses which can effect everybody on the network you mite want to watch out for those as well

3.if you have not done so install a virius and spywere protection program and run a scan every now and than by doing that you are removing unwanted spywere and viriuses before they start to really control your computer

4.Becareful Who you Let on your Meachine if you have a friend on monitor what your friend is doing to make sure he isint doing anything sneeky to hurt your computer

5.Run Disk Clean up And Defrag your Hard Drive By Doing that you are Rearangeing your Files And Clearing up Unnessary Space Which Will Result in a Faster Performace

6.Update your Computers Drivers By Doing That you Are Adding in The Latest Drivers and The Latest Peaces That your Computer Needs to Function Properly

Very Important if your Computer is Not Broken Dont Even Mess with it

Doing That Will Ensure A Happy Healthier Computer