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Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Checkers, also known as draughts, is a game a lot of people know how to play. The objective of it is to remove all of your opponent's pieces from the board.
Set up the board. You do this by placing your pieces every other square, starting from the far left in the first row, the far right in the second row, and the far left in the third row. If you're playing on a 10x10 checker board, the fourth row will also start from the far right
Take turns moving pieces one space diagonally. You can only move forward at this point. Think of strategies to use while you progress.
"Jump" pieces when an opponent's piece is one space away from one of yours. You do this by moving your piece two diagonal spaces in the same direction, one of them going over the piece you're jumping, and removing the piece you just jumped. In most games, you have to jump the opponent's checker when you can.
"King" your pieces when they reach the other side. The way you do this depends on your checkers set. Either turn your piece over, or place another piece on top of it. Usually if you have to turn it over, there will be a picture on the king side, such as a crown. The king can move either forwards or backwards on the board, just like the king in Chess. (Note: A king cannot move vertical or horizontal, and as such must stay on the dark squares of the board)
Continue jumping your opponent's pieces until they are all removed. Once you have done this, you've won!
In most games, you can and must double, triple, or multiple jump. To do a double jump, just jump a piece from the square you just jumped to. You do the same thing with a triple jump or multiple jump (more than three jumps are possible for a king), only three or more times instead. Note that you have to do this with the same piece; you can't jump with two different pieces.
When your pieces are on an edge of the board, they can't be jumped. Use this to your advantage
Don't get too involved in this. It's only a game, and the purpose of it is to have fun, not to crush the other side.
Don't be a sore winner or loser. If you lose, it's no big deal; again, it's a game, and shouldn't be taken that seriously. If you win, that doesn't mean you're a better person; you're just better at checkers than your opponent.
Things you will need
Checker board
Partner to play with
Checker Pieaces