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Monday, June 13, 2011
The Government is Very Important to Learn About the Goverment is who Controls Our Country He is also the Person Who Makes Laws And Changes Different things in our Country if We Pick a Good Leader Good Things Will Happend To the Country if we pick a bad one bad things will happend
When Choosing The Government
Read About The Governments Bio and all of The Other Canadates Profiles And See Which One you Like the Best Based on what you think is the best vote on that
Remember Democrat and Republican Will Most Likely Vote For Different People
Democrat It is a government elected by the people and democratic government is a co operative. In Democratic government, people have rights to take part in the decision of the government and they can change parliament members any time they want.
Republican a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them.
That depends upon the republic created and the constitution that supports it. The Constitution of the United States of America guarantees the States a republican form of government that quite clearly embraces democratic ideals. The former U.S.S.R. was a republic forming a totalitarian state, as is the same as The Peoples Republic of China. Many republics are run by dictators and other republics are run by elected officials who run on populist views and eventually discard the republic so that the general will will elect him or her as a dictator.
The central idea behind the American Republican form of democracy is like the checks and balances placed upon the elected officials and appointed officers of the court, so are there checks and balances placed upon the people where the general will can not affect the rights of the individual. It is the republic that has kept the people from voting their rights away, and as the people continue to vote themselves plundered money, the first thing that will be thrown away, will be the republic.
Some People Dont Care about Government but you should i have learned that you should care so when your 18 vote and for those of you who just turned 18 register to vote
How Do i Register to Vote
To Register To Vote you Have to Contact your City offices And They will Send you out a Form That you have to fill out fill out everything that its asking you for then send it back to them and you will be Registered to vote it is very easy as that
Does the Government have a Website
yes The Government does For the Government Site Go Here
What are the Steps That Have to be Done Before the Government passes on a Bill As A law
A bill is an idea for a new law, or an idea to change or do away with an existing law. Hundreds of bills enter the legislative process in West Virginia each time the Legislature meets. Two groups of elected citizens - 34 senators and 100 delegates - study, discuss and vote on bills, and in doing so act for the people of West Virginia. Bills enter the legislative process either through the House of Delegates or the Senate, but to become laws, bills must pass both chambers and avoid a governor’s veto.
If the Government Vetos it than that Must Mean he Doesn't Think its a good idea remember a bill can pass up to the government and than the government can say no and veto it