How Does it Work
Your Live Chat Link allows you to invite a specific friend to chat and play games in Live, or for your friend to invite you!
To use your Live Chat Link, just copy it and share it with your friend. Your Live Chat Link can be found above your video when you first come to Live, or right under your video if you've already started playing Live.
When someone goes to your Live Chat Link while you're online, you'll receive a notification at the top-right corner of the screen. Just click the link in that notification to join your friend in Live. You can also go to your Live Chat Link yourself to be joined with your friend.
To change your preferences for who can go to your Live Chat Link, go to your Settings Page
I Cant Get My Webcam to Work
There are a number of different reasons why you might be having difficulty using your webcam in Live. We've listed some of the most common below, along with possible solutions.
If you are currently using your camera somewhere else (Skype, Yahoo Messenger, etc.), it will not be accessible in Live. Always ensure that your camera is not active elsewhere before attempting to play Live.
Do you have the latest version of Flash? Check your current version at Adobe's website. If you find that it is outdated, you can get the latest Flash Player at the Flash Player download page.
The drivers for your webcam may be out of date. Try checking the manufacturer's website for the latest drivers.
Have you installed Google's plugin for voice and video chat, for use in Gmail or other Google products? Are you using a Mac?
Unfortunately, there is a known conflict between that Mac plugin and the most recent versions of Flash Player that can cause other programs, like Live, to be unable to access your camera, even when they should be able to.
The easiest way to resolve this problem is to uninstall the Google plugin.
Why Do I Have to Allow Webcam Everytime i Come On Live
It's easy to eliminate this annoyance! When you select "Allow" to enable your webcam, click the "Remember" checkbox. From now on, your webcam will be enabled automatically when you come to Live.
Invite your Friend to Chat and Play Games in Live
To invite a friend to chat and play games with you in Live -- even a friend who's not on MeetMe yet -- copy your Live Chat Link and share it. Your Live Chat Link can be found above your video when you first come to Live, or right under your video if you've already started playing Live.
When someone goes to your Live Chat Link while you're online, you'll receive a notification at the top-right corner of the screen. Just click the link in that notification to join your friend in Live. You can also go to your Live Chat Link yourself to be joined with your friend.
There are also indicators around the site that will let you know if someone is online, such as the Play With Friends! module that can be found when logged in on the MeetMe home page and the green Play Now! links that can be found within Live Feed, a user's action items, Match, and Messages. Click these links and you will automatically send them a MeetMe Live invitation!
Is Nudity Allowed in Live
No it is Not Dont Do It If you Do you Can Get Kicked off this Site
Report Abuse
If Someone on Webcam is Being Abusive Send it Over to the MeetMe Team By Clicking on Abuse towards the top of the Video
Do I need a Webcam To Use Live
You Need it if you want others to see you But if you Just want to See Other People you Dont Need it
Live Snapshot
If you and your Live partner both have cameras enabled, you have the option to take a Live Snapshot of what is happening on screen.
Click the orange camera icon to start a countdown that will take a picture once the time is up. You will then be given the option to post it directly into your Live Feed or even share it to other social streams such as Facebook and Twitter.
There is no limit to the amount of snapshots you can take in a day.
Why Cant i Take a Live Snapshot
To use the Live Snapshot feature, both users must have their cameras enabled and must both allow Live Snapshots.