Do That
To Upload A Video onto the New Myspace
Go to Manage than Click on Upload Videos And Select the Files Or Click And Drag
the Videos into The Screen And Than it Will Start Uploading
Video Guidelines
Please Follow These Rules:
1. This is a video I created myself.
2. I understand certain types of content are not permitted on Myspace.
3. I own the music rights to any soundtrack audio for my video.
Technical Guidelines for Pre-Upload Video Preparation Conducted By The User
These instructions are designed to help you prepare your videos for upload to guarantee the highest quality playback.
Video Resolution
SD: 640x480
HD: 1920x1080, 1280x720
Video File Types
.mp4 (h.264)
Myspace is optimized to play HD video in the h.264 codec (commonly referred to as .MP4.) We recommend that you convert your original file to this codec prior to uploading to Myspace.
Popular video editors (e.g. Apple’s iMovie and Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere Elements, Sony Vegas) offer a file output option for a web-optimized version of .mp4. Please refer to your preferred editing software for instructions on preparing your video for export.
Frame Rate
For fluid playback, be sure to convert your video at the same frame rate in which you shot your video:
24fps: Cinema
25 fps: Europe Cinema
30 fps: US video standard
Data Rate
The Data Rate setting is associated with both the visual quality of the video and its size. Compressed video for web-consumption is between 3500kbs (kilobytes per second) and 5000kbs. We suggest you compress at 5000kbs and we’ll take care of the rest during our conversion process.
File Size Limits
We provide a total of 4GB of free storage per user account. For an average video of 200mb, you’ll have the capability to store 20 videos.
Total per file size: 4GB. Large video files are subject to slow uploads, which might fail due to bandwidth issues from your location. Therefore it’s best to either keep your files short, or pre-compress long videos.
Standard Definition (SD)
If you’re intent on shooting old-school style, you can upload videos in the 1:33 aspect ratio with a minimal resolution of 640x480. Your video will show in our player with vertical black spaces, called “pillarboxes”.
Custom Poster Frames cropped to a square 1:33 image are automatically resized to fit our HD resolution Poster frame catalog images.
High Definition (HD)
We accept beautiful HD video files in 1280x720 and 1920x1080 resolution. Our default aspect ratio is 16:9, but we can accept 2:33:1 if you’re shooting your masterpiece in wide cinema format. Any sizes outside 16:9 are balanced to this aspect ration with letterboxing.
Please do not add your own letterboxing from your video editor. The compression method can cause artifacts to show, reducing the overall quality of your video.
For optimal audio results, please use the AAC (Advanced Audio Codec) format.
Audio Data Rate: 320kbps.
Sample Rate: 44.1 KHZ or 48KHZ
Custom Video Poster Frames
Custom video poster frames are required to have a minimal resolution of 1280x720. We can accept 640x480 images, but you’ll have to crop to 16:9 using our handy image cropper.