Verified Instagram Accounts
In December 2014 we introduced verified badges on Instagram
Verified badges help people more easily find the public figures
celebrities and brands they want to follow
What Is a Verified Badge
Some accounts are verified by Instagram to let people know that they're authentic. If an account is verified, a blue verified badge will appear next to their name in search and on their profile.
The accounts with verified badges are some well-known public figures, celebrities and global brands on Instagram. These accounts have been given verified badges because they have a high likelihood of being impersonated, and we want to make sure that people in the Instagram community can easily find the authentic people and brands they want to follow.
What Does It Do
Verified badges make it easier for members of the Instagram community to find and follow the accounts they're looking for. Some public figures, celebrities and brands that have a high likelihood of being impersonated have verified badges to let people know that they're authentic.
Can I Request One For My Instagram
Right now only some public figures celebrities and brands
have verified badges It's not currently possible to request a verified badge
If your account doesn't have a verified badge
there are other ways to help let people know that you're authentic
For example, you can link to your Instagram profile from your official website, Facebook page or Twitter account