Cortana is a new Feature that Windows has Introduced that I think is Kinda
Cool you know how Phones have Voice Capability Search's like Siri from
Iphones Well im going to show you How to use that same Feature only in
Windows Version so instead of it Being Siri Its Cortana
Ok so on the Bottom of your Screen you will see next to the Start Menu
Icon a Box that says Ask me Anything
You will see a Microphone button Click on that and then talk what you want
to Search and Cortana will Listen and will Search for it Kinda like what
Siri does Cortana will do the same thing it will Search the Web for it
What Else can you do with Cortana ?
You can Program it so that it can Remember all of your Appointments and
Things to do
Click on the Light Blub Icon after you Click on the Microphone then Click
on the + button type in the Person and Place and It will Book it and It
will Remind you when it is near