Windows Live is A Site For Email And Its a Social networking Site and its Also a Place too Store your Documents online
How do I Sign up
Go too Hit Sign Up Go through the Processes and your in '
How Do i Write a New Message too Somebody
on the top Hit New And A new Window Will Open Enter in there Email Address and Subject And Other Information thats needed than when your Done Hit the Send Button
When Someone Becomes my Friend On MSN Do they also Become my Friend on Windows Live
Yes i Believe So
How Do i Use The Online Document Store
Go too Office Than Go to my Documents Than make a folder or if you dont want you can just hit the add Files button than Browse From your Hard Drive your Documents and than hit the post button
My Files are Currently Set too Me Only How Do i Change who Can See it
on the bottom where it Says Me only click on that and you can Change the Permission Level Warning if you have Documents that you dont want the world too see would recommend keeping it to me only
How do i Check For New Mail Messages
When There is a New Message While Logged in it will Automatically be Added to your Inbox
How Do I Create a Folder For Messages
Too Make a Folder to the left side of the screen click on New Folder and from there you should be able to create a new Folder
Can I Chat With People on Msn Messenger From my Email
Absolultly on The Home Page to The Left it will Say Messenger if its not online already than hit Sign into messenger and it should Sign you in
How do i Manage My Address Book
To Manage your Address Book Go to Contacts And From there you can add peoples email address
how Can i Stay Organized With my Appointments
Luckily in Windows Live There is a Built in Calender Feature that you can use for 100% Free To Take Part in that go too Calender and From there you can add appointments by moving with your mouse to the date of that month and hit the +add button
How Do i Search for a Message In my Email
if your Having a Hard Time Finding what your looking for on the top of the inbox in the box type in what your looking for and hit enter and it will search it for you
How Do I Report a Message as Junk
Quite Often in Windows Live Emails Get Mismarked So If there is a Message in your inbox thats junk click on the check box mark and click on junk on the top of your inbox
How Do i Include a Attachment in a Email Message
in the email message where it says insert click on attachment and browse your hard drive and click on the item that you want to attach
Someone told me they sent me a email but i dont seem to see it
its possible that they entered in the wrong email address make sure you gave your friend the correct email address also check the junk folder sometimes junk email gets mismarked as well