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Friday, March 4, 2011

How to Stay Healthy

Staying Healthy is Important its important to Keep our Bodys Happy so that we can live for a life time in this Tutorial i will tell you some things you can do to stay healthy

Drink Plenty of Water

Did you Know 90% of our body is Water Drinking Water Can Help keep your body and Mind Alert Through out The Day


Excersize is Very Important For the Body if it means taking a short walk or going for a jog or even going to the gym it Can Make a Difference for your body and you will feel good

Maintain a Healthy Weight

if you Dont Maintain a Healthy Weight your Body will have to work harder thus Producing a whole bunch of health problems

Eat Plenty of Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and Vegetables Have Vitamins in it and Fiber which we all need for our Body Eating them is a beautiful and a great thing

Cut Back on How Much Junk and Soda you Eat

Junk Food and Soda Are Not Good for you can end up rotting your teeth out and Even More Effects Its Best to limit as best as possible

Dont Eat a lot of Fast Food

Fast Food Has A lot of Fat and Calories and a Whole Bunch of Bad Stuff in it if you can limit it too once a month if you cant help it limit it down to Once a Week Having it Every Day is Bad Have you Ever seen the movie super size me if not than watch it you will never feel the same again after watching that

Dont Talk on your Cell phone a Lot

Talking a Lot on your Cell phone can be Bad there have been studies shown that are linked to brain cancer by talking on your cell phone if you can use a hands free device that way you wont have to hold your cell phone to your ear and face a possibiltie of that

Get a Physical Exam At Least once a Year Or Ever Few Years

Talking to your Doctor Every once in a while is Important you need to know if your body is doing ok or Not

Try Not to have a lot of stress

Stress is also Very bad for the body it can control you if your not careful it can even hurt you if you are not careful if you are having stress find somebody who you can trust to talk to about it in the long run it will be beneficial for you

Dont do Drugs Or Smoke

Doing Drugs and Smoking is Very Bad For your Body can produce a lot of harmfull effects Such as Smelly breath Yellow Teeth And Also a Whole Bunch of other effects and it can hurt you if you use drugs

if you are Sick Stay At Home

Home is Where you Belong Do Not Go to School or work you could risk other people getting the disease that you have Would Strongly Recommend Resting until you are Feeling well or Near Better