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Sunday, December 17, 2017

Why Uber does Surge Charge from time to time

When you Take a Uber

When you Plugin the Location of where your going

Occasionally you will see a Surge Charge Higher then Normal Cost

Why does that Happen ?

Uber is a Popular App as you know there are many people that use Uber to get around to Places

There are times when they get Busy and Very Heavy when there is Not Enough Drivers Online to Handle the Capacity then Uber Issues a Surge Charge to Try and keep the Wait times Down for Everyone when they go to Request a Uber Ride

Its gonna be a Big Inconvenience

There is nothing we can do about it Really

At least they Warn you Ahead of time when it takes Place

So you can Prepare for the Surge Charge

When is the Popular time for Surge Charges ?

Holidays Especially on Christmas and New Years Eve when a lot of people are gonna be out on the Roads going to Party's they dont want to do Drinking and Driving so to keep them Safe they do a Uber

Bad Weather such as Snow Storms

A lot of people get Off the Roads when there is Bad Weather like Snow Storms or Heavy Winds ETC that can Effect there Ability to Drive Safely on the Roads so they Pull them Self's Off the Roads to keep Safe in that Situation there will be a Lower Amount of Drivers that are Available there for there may be a Surge Charge

How Heavy do Surge Charges get ?

It Depends on how Heavy the Demand is

It can be as High as $40 bucks a Ride for what should be 10-12 bucks or it could be more then that
Not all Surge Charges will get that High but there are some that may

If you dont Want to pay the Surge Charge you can Either take a Taxi or go over to LYFT the Alternative to Uber they dont do Surge Charges they keep the Prices the Same at all times no Matter how Busy they are 

Sunday, November 26, 2017

2017 new Yahoo Answers Format

What Happen to Yahoo Answers ?

They Rolled out a new Format it sucks Yahoo does not tell us anything anymore on when
they change it or Why they are changing it

How to Access Category's under the new Format

Click on Answers Home then click on any Category then click on All Category's on the
Top thats the only way to Access it For now Hopefully Yahoo will Fix it and Provide a
Better way to get to the Category's

Is there anyway Back to the Old Yahoo Answers ?

No there is no way to go back to the Old Yahoo Answers

What Happened to the Pin Category's

Looks Like it is Discontinued Although the Pins are Still there when you click on it
On the top of the Category's nothing Happens

How Do I get to my Asked and Answered Questions ?

Thankfully that is still Mostly the same just instead of going to the Left you go to the
Right and click on your name and on the next page it will show you your Asked and
Answered Questions

Do you think there will be changes made to the new Format that was Released

I Think its possible but I highly Doubt anytime soon tho hopefully they will wake up and Realize that there not making it easy for people to find things if they dont do something soon about it its Possible a lot of people may not be able to put up with the changes and they may leave the site

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Why Trains sometimes take there Service offline for Track work and replace with Bus

Why do Trains sometimes Take there Service Offline and Replace with Buses

Many of you guys Take the Trains and Sometimes on the Weekends you may Notice

That they shut down the Trains and Replaced them with Buses some people may know
why but other people may not know why they have to do that so Im here to Explain

Just like Cars need Maintenance to keep the Car running Smoothly and Safely Trains
work the same way and just like Cars you have to get out of the Car and have it
on Shut down mode to work on it Same way with Trains

For Instance

Crossing Gates need to be Worked on and checked Every now and then to make sure
they Continue to run Properly if they dont run Properly then that can be
Dangerous for you and other Passengers that are on your Train a lot of Accidents
have happen not Necessary from the Crossing gates but people have drove there
Cars onto the Tracks when the Crossing Gates are going down

Danbury Line and the New Cannan Line and Waterbury line are the most Popular ones
that they Shut down the Trains to do Track work on

MetroNorth does not want to leave you guys tho with nothing so they provide you with Buses instead of the Trains while they do this they do it at no Additional charges so the Costs are the same as it would be for a Train Ticket and the Ticket App is Honored on the Buses

Friday, April 14, 2017

How to Clear your Cookies Cache and Delete your Temporary Files the Proper way

These Steps will Vary Depending on what Browser you are using

Clear Browser Cache Tutorial 

This tutorial is universal for most web browsers.

- Step 1 -

Press "Ctrl + Shift + Delete" keys, together.
Safari users should press "Ctrl + Alt + E"

Chrome users should press "Shift + Command + Delete"

- Step 2 -

A pop up window will emerge on your screen after pressing those keys.
Find your browser image below.
Only use the settings displayed in the example image.
Click the "Clear" button.




Internet Explorer



- Step 3 -

Restart your browser 

Clearing your Cookies and Cache and Deleting your Temporary Files can solve some of the Website Issues that people have if its on your End of course if clearing these things does not work then its Likely a Problem with the Website it self

(Credit for these Images is Given to LYTS.Me they provided the Images and are not mine)

Saturday, April 8, 2017

MetroNorth how to Scan your Tickets using the Bar code

MetroNorth will soon have your tickets scanned how to display the Bar Code

Very Important that you learn how to do this

As over the upcoming days MetroNorth will be changing the Protocol on Train

In the past you would just Activate the Ticket and then show the Train Conductors
the Ticket

Now thats still gonna be the same only they will have to scan it with a bar code

That is not visible on the body of your Ticket but the bar code is there

At the top of the Ticket App you will see something that says Pull down to see
Bar code

Where it says that Pull it down and a Bar Code should come up

From there the Train Conductors Will be Scanning it

Does this take Effect on all the MetroNorth Routes ?

Right now its only going into Effect on the Hudson Routes but they are only
Testing it tho so if it goes well they will probably roll it out to all of the
Routes or if something goes wrong they may not we will see in the Future but
Even if this does not Effect you yet its still Important to learn how to do it
Should it come on all of the MetroNorth Routes

Will the Expiring Rules be the same ?

Yes Tickets will still Expire so Dont Activate your Ticket until you are boarding
the Train this way you have the Maximum amount of time to show the Train Captain
your Ticket if you Activate it prior to that you Risk the Ticket getting shut off
and if that Happens you will have to buy a Another Ticket

the only thing thats changing is the Tickets will be Scanned and Probably once
they are Scanned they will Expire faster

Friday, January 13, 2017


MTA E Tix How To Use The App

MetroNorth now allows you to buy Tickets on your Phone but you dont know how to use
it thankfully I have done it plenty of times and I will show you how to do it its
pretty simple Actually

First Step is to download the app

If you have a Iphone go to the Apple Itunes store and type in MTA E Tix and then
when it comes up hit Install

If you have a Android go to the Google Play store and type in MTA E Tix then when
It comes up hit Install

The ticket app works the same way as the Ticket Machine so when you go to the App

Select the Station that your going to then select your Destination

then to pay select the Debit Card option and put your CC Number info in and your
Security code then hit submit and your Ticket as long as it goes through your CC
ok it should say Submitted If you dont want to Enter your Card everytime I recommend
Registering for a MTA E Tix Account you have the option of doing that

How To Activate the Ticket ?

When it comes to going on your Train Activate your Ticket just before Boarding so
right as the Train comes go to the MTA E Tix App go to your Ticket Wallett Select
your Ticket hit Activate Ticket a Confirmation Message will pop up asking are you
sure hit Activate and it will be Activated

Do NOT Activate your Ticket Until its time for Boarding Reason being is Tickets have
a Timer on it most Tickets will only be Activated for about an Hour or so or what
ever the Predetermined Length is and it will Vary based on how many Stops you have
to your Destination If you Activate it before its time you risk the Ticket expiring
if that happens you will have to Re Purchase your Ticket again

Learn more about MTA E Tix

How to Scan your Ticket with the Barcode very Important please read