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Saturday, May 6, 2017

Why Trains sometimes take there Service offline for Track work and replace with Bus

Why do Trains sometimes Take there Service Offline and Replace with Buses

Many of you guys Take the Trains and Sometimes on the Weekends you may Notice

That they shut down the Trains and Replaced them with Buses some people may know
why but other people may not know why they have to do that so Im here to Explain

Just like Cars need Maintenance to keep the Car running Smoothly and Safely Trains
work the same way and just like Cars you have to get out of the Car and have it
on Shut down mode to work on it Same way with Trains

For Instance

Crossing Gates need to be Worked on and checked Every now and then to make sure
they Continue to run Properly if they dont run Properly then that can be
Dangerous for you and other Passengers that are on your Train a lot of Accidents
have happen not Necessary from the Crossing gates but people have drove there
Cars onto the Tracks when the Crossing Gates are going down

Danbury Line and the New Cannan Line and Waterbury line are the most Popular ones
that they Shut down the Trains to do Track work on

MetroNorth does not want to leave you guys tho with nothing so they provide you with Buses instead of the Trains while they do this they do it at no Additional charges so the Costs are the same as it would be for a Train Ticket and the Ticket App is Honored on the Buses