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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Facebook Ticker

Facebook Ticker is the Small Thing that appears on your Home page to the Right Side of the Screen

What is The Ticker

Ticker shows you the things you can already see on Facebook, but in real time.

Keep up with the latest news as it happens
Listen to music with your friends
Click or hover over a story to join in the conversation

Remember: People can only see the posts, comments and likes that you share with them. So if you share something with friends, only they will see it in ticker.

What Type of Story's Appear in the Ticker

Ticker includes live stories—things like status updates, friendships, photos, videos, links, likes and comments. You can see this activity elsewhere on Facebook. Ticker just lets you see it as it happens.

Can i Close Hide or Resize or Move Ticker

 Yes, in most cases. On small screens, you can hide ticker by clicking  in the upper-right corner of ticker. On larger screens, you can resize ticker by dragging the horizontal bar between ticker and chat up and down

Controlling What i see in the View Of my Ticker

Hide a story you see in ticker:
Click a story you see in ticker
Click the  menu in the top right
Choose "Hide story"
Also, the hide and unsubscribe settings you use to control what you see in your news feed will impact what shows in ticker. For example, if you hide someone from your news feed entirely by unsubscribing from them, they won’t show up in ticker. This includes people you’ve already hidden. You might choose to only see "Important Only" or "Most Updates" from someone in your news feed, but don't want to unsubscribe from them entirely. In this case, ticker will show more from them than your news feed.

Why is The Ticker Not On my Account

Ticker only shows up for people with a certain level of account activity. If you don't see ticker, it's probably because you don't use Facebook a lot, so there's not enough content to make ticker useful to you.

If you like how active you are on Facebook right now, you don't need to change anything. If you'd like to be more active, you can:

The Difference Between the Ticker That Shows When i use Games And Apps and the Ticker On my Home Page And Timeline

When you are playing an app, ticker will focus on stories associated with the games you play. When you are not playing a game or using an app, ticker will show all types of updates, not just game and apps stories.

Will The Ticker Change Privacy Settings 

No. Ticker only displays information that you’re already able to see elsewhere on Facebook. If you start seeing stories in ticker that you haven't noticed before, it’s probably because ticker makes things easier to discover. It doesn’t mean that privacy around Facebook has changed. 

You can control the privacy of everything you post to Facebook through the privacy settings next to your post. Remember that when you comment or like something, the comment or like will have the same privacy settings as the original post. 

Am i Seeing Posts in the Ticker that i Dont Have Permission to See 

No. Commenting or liking a post doesn't change its privacy settings. If you can't see a post because of its privacy settings, it won't show up to you anywhere on Facebook, including in your news feed or in your ticker.
Who Can See my Comments And Likes in the ticker 

To control stories about your commenting activity in ticker and news feed, always check who can see the privacy of the posts you're commenting on.If you aren't comfortable with who can see the post, please don't comment on it or like it. If you do, a story about your activity will be eligible to appear on Facebook, including on your timeline (profile), in news feed and in ticker. Remember, your comments and likes are only visible to people who can see the original post. For example, you might comment on a photo one of your family members posts just to family. A friend of yours who cannot already view the photo will not see a story in ticker about your comment. 

Please note that unsubscribing from a friend's 'comments and likes' in your news feed, does not have any impact on whether your friends see it when you comment on or like their posts.

What Sponsor Story's May Show in the Ticker 

Ticker only displays information to others who are already able to see elsewhere on Facebook. Page Like, App Share and App Used Sponsored Stories are eligible to appear in ticker for others to see, but only if they could have already seen them in their news feeds.