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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Using Tags on Tumblr

What Are Tags

Tags make it easier for readers to find posts about a specific topic on your blog. e.g. Tag your photographs with photography or your trip posts with travel.

How to Tag Posts

It’s easy! When you create a post, enter the tags in the empty tag box on the right side of the page. If you’re using the bookmarklet, go to “Advanced” to enter tags.

Do Tags Show up on All Posts

Yes, but only if you’re using certain themes. You can find themes that list tags with each post in the Theme Garden. Even if a theme doesn't show post tags, tags can still be searched.

How Do Tags Work on Password Protected Blogs

How do tags work on password-protected blogs?
You can add tags to keep your posts organized, but they will only be searchable through your blog, not the rest of Tumblr.

Searching Tags

How do I search tags?

Enter the tag in the "Search Tags" box at the top of your Dashboard.
Hit enter.

Can I search for multiple tags at once?

No, that’s not supported.

Tracked Tags

What are tracked tags?

Tracked tags are a great way to follow your passions on Tumblr! You can access your tracked tags by clicking the “Search tags” box at the top of your Dashboard. New posts will be reflected in the number below the tag name.
Pro-tip: Hit the tab key and your tracked tags will pop open in a menu on your Dashboard.

How do I track a tag?

Enter the tag in the “Search tags” box at the top of your Dashboard.
Hit enter.

Click “track” in the search box.

How do I stop tracking a tag?

Click the “Search tags” box at the top of your Dashboard.

Click the name of the tag.

Roll over “tracking” and click “untrack.”

Can I link to specific tags?

Sure! To direct users to all posts with a specific tag, just use tag links that start with your blog’s web address and include the specific tags you want to reference.

How do I create a Page that redirects to my posts with a specific tag?

Click Settings (the gear icon) at the top of your Dashboard.
Click the blog you’d like to update on the left side of the page.
Click “Customize” in the Theme section.
Click “Pages.”
Click “Add a Page.”
Type the name of the Page URL you’d like to use after the slash (/).
In the menu at the top, change the page Type from Standard Layout to Redirect.
Type or paste the URL of the tag filter that you want the Page to redirect to.
Check the box that says "Show a link to this page.”
In the field next to the checkbox, give the Page a title.
Click “Create page.”